.. label follows .. _sec:modifylinebreaks: The ``-m`` (``modifylinebreaks``) switch ======================================== All features described in this section will only be relevant if the ``-m`` switch is used. ``modifylinebreaks``: *fields* .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``modifyLineBreaks`` :name: lst:modifylinebreaks :lines: 391-393 :linenos: :lineno-start: 391 As of Version 3.0, ``latexindent.pl`` has the ``-m`` switch, which permits ``latexindent.pl`` to modify line breaks, according to the specifications in the ``modifyLineBreaks`` field. *The settings in this field will only be considered if the ``-m`` switch has been used*. A snippet of the default settings of this field is shown in :numref:`lst:modifylinebreaks`. Having read the previous paragraph, it should sound reasonable that, if you call ``latexindent.pl`` using the ``-m`` switch, then you give it permission to modify line breaks in your file, but let’s be clear: If you call ``latexindent.pl`` with the ``-m`` switch, then you are giving it permission to modify line breaks. By default, the only thing that will happen is that multiple blank lines will be condensed into one blank line; many other settings are possible, discussed next. ``preserveBlankLines``: *0\|1* This field is directly related to *poly-switches*, discussed below. By default, it is set to ``1``, which means that blank lines will be protected from removal; however, regardless of this setting, multiple blank lines can be condensed if ``condenseMultipleBlankLinesInto`` is greater than ``0``, discussed next. ``condenseMultipleBlankLinesInto``: *integer :math:`\geq 0`* Assuming that this switch takes an integer value greater than ``0``, ``latexindent.pl`` will condense multiple blank lines into the number of blank lines illustrated by this switch. As an example, :numref:`lst:mlb-bl` shows a sample file with blank lines; upon running :: latexindent.pl myfile.tex -m the output is shown in :numref:`lst:mlb-bl-out`; note that the multiple blank lines have been condensed into one blank line, and note also that we have used the ``-m`` switch! .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mlb1.tex :caption: ``mlb1.tex`` :name: lst:mlb-bl .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mlb1-out.tex :caption: ``mlb1.tex`` out output :name: lst:mlb-bl-out ``textWrapOptions``: *fields* When the ``-m`` switch is active ``latexindent.pl`` has the ability to wrap text using the options specified in the ``textWrapOptions`` field, see :numref:`lst:textWrapOptions`. The value of ``columns`` specifies the column at which the text should be wrapped. By default, the value of ``columns`` is ``0``, so ``latexindent.pl`` will *not* wrap text; if you change it to a value of ``2`` or more, then text will be wrapped after the character in the specified column. .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``textWrapOptions`` :name: lst:textWrapOptions :lines: 394-395 :linenos: :lineno-start: 394 For example, consider the file give in :numref:`lst:textwrap1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/textwrap1.tex :caption: ``textwrap1.tex`` :name: lst:textwrap1 Using the file ``textwrap1.yaml`` in :numref:`lst:textwrap1-yaml`, and running the command :: latexindent.pl -m textwrap1.tex -o textwrap1-mod1.tex -l textwrap1.yaml we obtain the output in :numref:`lst:textwrap1-mod1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/textwrap1-mod1.tex :caption: ``textwrap1-mod1.tex`` :name: lst:textwrap1-mod1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/textwrap1.yaml :caption: ``textwrap1.yaml`` :name: lst:textwrap1-yaml The text wrapping routine is performed *after* verbatim environments have been stored, so verbatim environments and verbatim commands are exempt from the routine. For example, using the file in :numref:`lst:textwrap2`, .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/textwrap2.tex :caption: ``textwrap2.tex`` :name: lst:textwrap2 and running the following command and continuing to use ``textwrap1.yaml`` from :numref:`lst:textwrap1-yaml`, :: latexindent.pl -m textwrap2.tex -o textwrap2-mod1.tex -l textwrap1.yaml then the output is as in :numref:`lst:textwrap2-mod1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/textwrap2-mod1.tex :caption: ``textwrap2-mod1.tex`` :name: lst:textwrap2-mod1 Furthermore, the text wrapping routine is performed after the trailing comments have been stored, and they are also exempt from text wrapping. For example, using the file in :numref:`lst:textwrap3` .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/textwrap3.tex :caption: ``textwrap3.tex`` :name: lst:textwrap3 and running the following command and continuing to use ``textwrap1.yaml`` from :numref:`lst:textwrap1-yaml`, :: latexindent.pl -m textwrap3.tex -o textwrap3-mod1.tex -l textwrap1.yaml then the output is as in :numref:`lst:textwrap3-mod1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/textwrap3-mod1.tex :caption: ``textwrap3-mod1.tex`` :name: lst:textwrap3-mod1 .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``textWrapOptions`` :name: lst:textWrapOptionsAll :lines: 394-396 :linenos: :lineno-start: 394 The text wrapping routine of ``latexindent.pl`` is performed by the ``Text::Wrap`` module, which provides a ``separator`` feature to separate lines with characters other than a new line (see (“Text:Wrap Perl Module” 2017)). By default, the separator is empty (see :numref:`lst:textWrapOptionsAll`) which means that a new line token will be used, but you can change it as you see fit. For example starting with the file in :numref:`lst:textwrap4` .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/textwrap4.tex :caption: ``textwrap4.tex`` :name: lst:textwrap4 and using ``textwrap2.yaml`` from :numref:`lst:textwrap2-yaml` with the following command :: latexindent.pl -m textwrap4.tex -o textwrap4-mod2.tex -l textwrap2.yaml then we obtain the output in :numref:`lst:textwrap4-mod2`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/textwrap4-mod2.tex :caption: ``textwrap4-mod2.tex`` :name: lst:textwrap4-mod2 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/textwrap2.yaml :caption: ``textwrap2.yaml`` :name: lst:textwrap2-yaml **Summary of text wrapping** It is important to note the following: - Verbatim environments (:numref:`lst:verbatimEnvironments`) and verbatim commands (:numref:`lst:verbatimCommands`) will *not* be affected by the text wrapping routine (see :numref:`lst:textwrap2-mod1`); - comments will *not* be affected by the text wrapping routine (see :numref:`lst:textwrap3-mod1`); - indentation is performed *after* the text wrapping routine; as such, indented code will likely exceed any maximum value set in the ``columns`` field. .. label follows .. _sec:onesentenceperline: ``oneSentencePerLine``: modifying line breaks for sentences ----------------------------------------------------------- You can instruct ``latexindent.pl`` to format your file so that it puts one sentence per line. Thank you to mlep (2017) for helping to shape and test this feature. The behaviour of this part of the script is controlled by the switches detailed in :numref:`lst:oneSentencePerLine`, all of which we discuss next. .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``oneSentencePerLine`` :name: lst:oneSentencePerLine :lines: 397-418 :linenos: :lineno-start: 397 ``manipulateSentences``: *0\|1* This is a binary switch that details if ``latexindent.pl`` should perform the sentence manipulation routine; it is *off* (set to ``0``) by default, and you will need to turn it on (by setting it to ``1``) if you want the script to modify line breaks surrounding and within sentences. ``removeSentenceLineBreaks``: *0\|1* When operating upon sentences ``latexindent.pl`` will, by default, remove internal linebreaks as ``removeSentenceLineBreaks`` is set to ``1``. Setting this switch to ``0`` instructs ``latexindent.pl`` not to do so. For example, consider ``multiple-sentences.tex`` shown in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences.tex`` :name: lst:multiple-sentences If we use the YAML files in :numref:`lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml` and :numref:`lst:keep-sen-line-breaks-yaml`, and run the commands :: latexindent.pl multiple-sentences -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml latexindent.pl multiple-sentences -m -l=keep-sen-line-breaks.yaml then we obtain the respective output given in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences-mod1` and :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences-mod2`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences-mod1.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences.tex`` using :numref:`lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml` :name: lst:multiple-sentences-mod1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/manipulate-sentences.yaml :caption: ``manipulate-sentences.yaml`` :name: lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences-mod2.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences.tex`` using :numref:`lst:keep-sen-line-breaks-yaml` :name: lst:multiple-sentences-mod2 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/keep-sen-line-breaks.yaml :caption: ``keep-sen-line-breaks.yaml`` :name: lst:keep-sen-line-breaks-yaml Notice, in particular, that the ‘internal’ sentence line breaks in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences` have been removed in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences-mod1`, but have not been removed in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences-mod2`. The remainder of the settings displayed in :numref:`lst:oneSentencePerLine` instruct ``latexindent.pl`` on how to define a sentence. From the perpesctive of ``latexindent.pl`` a sentence must: - *follow* a certain character or set of characters (see :numref:`lst:sentencesFollow`); by default, this is either ``\par``, a blank line, a full stop/period (.), exclamation mark (!), question mark (?) right brace (}) or a comment on the previous line; - *begin* with a character type (see :numref:`lst:sentencesBeginWith`); by default, this is only capital letters; - *end* with a character (see :numref:`lst:sentencesEndWith`); by default, these are full stop/period (.), exclamation mark (!) and question mark (?). In each case, you can specify the ``other`` field to include any pattern that you would like; you can specify anything in this field using the language of regular expressions. -3.5cm-2.5cm .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``sentencesFollow`` :name: lst:sentencesFollow :lines: 400-408 :linenos: :lineno-start: 400 .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``sentencesBeginWith`` :name: lst:sentencesBeginWith :lines: 409-412 :linenos: :lineno-start: 409 .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``sentencesEndWith`` :name: lst:sentencesEndWith :lines: 413-418 :linenos: :lineno-start: 413 ``sentencesFollow`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let’s explore a few of the switches in ``sentencesFollow``; let’s start with :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences`, and use the YAML settings given in :numref:`lst:sentences-follow1-yaml`. Using the command :: latexindent.pl multiple-sentences -m -l=sentences-follow1.yaml we obtain the output given in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences-mod3`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences-mod3.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences.tex`` using :numref:`lst:sentences-follow1-yaml` :name: lst:multiple-sentences-mod3 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/sentences-follow1.yaml :caption: ``sentences-follow1.yaml`` :name: lst:sentences-follow1-yaml Notice that, because ``blankLine`` is set to ``0``, ``latexindent.pl`` will not seek sentences following a blank line, and so the fourth sentence has not been accounted for. We can explore the ``other`` field in :numref:`lst:sentencesFollow` with the ``.tex`` file detailed in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences1.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences1.tex`` :name: lst:multiple-sentences1 Upon running the following commands :: latexindent.pl multiple-sentences1 -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml latexindent.pl multiple-sentences1 -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml,sentences-follow2.yaml then we obtain the respective output given in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences1-mod1` and :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences1-mod2`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences1-mod1.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml` :name: lst:multiple-sentences1-mod1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences1-mod2.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:sentences-follow2-yaml` :name: lst:multiple-sentences1-mod2 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/sentences-follow2.yaml :caption: ``sentences-follow2.yaml`` :name: lst:sentences-follow2-yaml Notice that in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences1-mod1` the first sentence after the ``)`` has not been accounted for, but that following the inclusion of :numref:`lst:sentences-follow2-yaml`, the output given in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences1-mod2` demonstrates that the sentence *has* been accounted for correctly. ``sentencesBeginWith`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By default, ``latexindent.pl`` will only assume that sentences begin with the upper case letters ``A-Z``; you can instruct the script to define sentences to begin with lower case letters (see :numref:`lst:sentencesBeginWith`), and we can use the ``other`` field to define sentences to begin with other characters. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences2.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences2.tex`` :name: lst:multiple-sentences2 Upon running the following commands :: latexindent.pl multiple-sentences2 -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml latexindent.pl multiple-sentences2 -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml,sentences-begin1.yaml then we obtain the respective output given in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences2-mod1` and :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences2-mod2`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences2-mod1.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml` :name: lst:multiple-sentences2-mod1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences2-mod2.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:sentences-begin1-yaml` :name: lst:multiple-sentences2-mod2 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/sentences-begin1.yaml :caption: ``sentences-begin1.yaml`` :name: lst:sentences-begin1-yaml Notice that in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences2-mod1`, the first sentence has been accounted for but that the subsequent sentences have not. In :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences2-mod2`, all of the sentences have been accounted for, because the ``other`` field in :numref:`lst:sentences-begin1-yaml` has defined sentences to begin with either ``$`` or any numeric digit, ``0`` to ``9``. ``sentencesEndWith`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let’s return to :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences`; we have already seen the default way in which ``latexindent.pl`` will operate on the sentences in this file in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences-mod1`. We can populate the ``other`` field with any character that we wish; for example, using the YAML specified in :numref:`lst:sentences-end1-yaml` and the command :: latexindent.pl multiple-sentences -m -l=sentences-end1.yaml latexindent.pl multiple-sentences -m -l=sentences-end2.yaml then we obtain the output in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences-mod4`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences-mod4.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences.tex`` using :numref:`lst:sentences-end1-yaml` :name: lst:multiple-sentences-mod4 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/sentences-end1.yaml :caption: ``sentences-end1.yaml`` :name: lst:sentences-end1-yaml .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences-mod5.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences.tex`` using :numref:`lst:sentences-end2-yaml` :name: lst:multiple-sentences-mod5 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/sentences-end2.yaml :caption: ``sentences-end2.yaml`` :name: lst:sentences-end2-yaml There is a subtle difference between the output in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences-mod4` and :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences-mod5`; in particular, in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences-mod4` the word ``sentence`` has not been defined as a sentence, because we have not instructed ``latexindent.pl`` to begin sentences with lower case letters. We have changed this by using the settings in :numref:`lst:sentences-end2-yaml`, and the associated output in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences-mod5` reflects this. Referencing :numref:`lst:sentencesEndWith`, you’ll notice that there is a field called ``basicFullStop``, which is set to ``0``, and that the ``betterFullStop`` is set to ``1`` by default. Let’s consider the file shown in :numref:`lst:url`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/url.tex :caption: ``url.tex`` :name: lst:url Upon running the following commands :: latexindent.pl url -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml we obtain the output given in :numref:`lst:url-mod1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/url-mod1.tex :caption: ``url.tex`` using :numref:`lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml` :name: lst:url-mod1 Notice that the full stop within the url has been interpreted correctly. This is because, within the ``betterFullStop``, full stops at the end of sentences have the following properties: - they are ignored within ``e.g.`` and ``i.e.``; - they can not be immediately followed by a lower case or upper case letter; - they can not be immediately followed by a hyphen, comma, or number. If you find that the ``betterFullStop`` does not work for your purposes, then you can switch it off by setting it to ``0``, and you can experiment with the ``other`` field. The ``basicFullStop`` routine should probably be avoided in most situations, as it does not accomodate the specifications above. For example, using the YAML in :numref:`lst:alt-full-stop1-yaml` gives the output from the following command in :numref:`lst:url-mod2`. :: latexindent.pl url -m -l=alt-full-stop1.yaml -3.5cm-1.5cm .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/url-mod2.tex :caption: ``url.tex`` using :numref:`lst:alt-full-stop1-yaml` :name: lst:url-mod2 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/alt-full-stop1.yaml :caption: ``alt-full-stop1.yaml`` :name: lst:alt-full-stop1-yaml Notice that the full stop within the URL has not been accomodated correctly because of the non-default settings in :numref:`lst:alt-full-stop1-yaml`. Features of the ``oneSentencePerLine`` routine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sentence manipulation routine takes place *after* verbatim environments, preamble and trailing comments have been accounted for; this means that any characters within these types of code blocks will not be part of the sentence manipulation routine. For example, if we begin with the ``.tex`` file in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences3`, and run the command :: latexindent.pl multiple-sentences3 -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml then we obtain the output in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences3-mod1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences3.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences3.tex`` :name: lst:multiple-sentences3 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences3-mod1.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences3.tex`` using :numref:`lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml` :name: lst:multiple-sentences3-mod1 Furthermore, if sentences run across environments then, by default, the line breaks internal to the sentence will be removed. For example, if we use the ``.tex`` file in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences4` and run the commands :: latexindent.pl multiple-sentences4 -m -l=manipulate-sentences.yaml latexindent.pl multiple-sentences4 -m -l=keep-sen-line-breaks.yaml then we obtain the output in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences4-mod1` and :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences4-mod2`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences4.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences4.tex`` :name: lst:multiple-sentences4 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences4-mod1.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences4.tex`` using :numref:`lst:manipulate-sentences-yaml` :name: lst:multiple-sentences4-mod1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences4-mod2.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences4.tex`` using :numref:`lst:keep-sen-line-breaks-yaml` :name: lst:multiple-sentences4-mod2 Once you’ve read :numref:`sec:poly-switches`, you will know that you can accomodate the removal of internal sentence line breaks by using the YAML in :numref:`lst:item-rules2-yaml` and the command :: latexindent.pl multiple-sentences4 -m -l=item-rules2.yaml the output of which is shown in :numref:`lst:multiple-sentences4-mod3`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/multiple-sentences4-mod3.tex :caption: ``multiple-sentences4.tex`` using :numref:`lst:item-rules2-yaml` :name: lst:multiple-sentences4-mod3 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/item-rules2.yaml :caption: ``item-rules2.yaml`` :name: lst:item-rules2-yaml ``removeParagraphLineBreaks``: modifying line breaks for paragraphs ------------------------------------------------------------------- When the ``-m`` switch is active ``latexindent.pl`` has the ability to remove line breaks from within paragraphs; the behaviour is controlled by the ``removeParagraphLineBreaks`` field, detailed in :numref:`lst:removeParagraphLineBreaks`. Thank you to Owens (2017) for shaping and assisting with the testing of this feature. ``removeParagraphLineBreaks``: *fields* This feature is considered complimentary to the ``oneSentencePerLine`` feature described in :numref:`sec:onesentenceperline`. .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``removeParagraphLineBreaks`` :name: lst:removeParagraphLineBreaks :lines: 419-431 :linenos: :lineno-start: 419 This routine can be turned on *globally* for *every* code block type known to ``latexindent.pl`` (see :numref:`tab:code-blocks`) by using the ``all`` switch; by default, this switch is *off*. Assuming that the ``all`` switch is off, then the routine can be controlled on a per-code-block-type basis, and within that, on a per-name basis. We will consider examples of each of these in turn, but before we do, let’s specify what ``latexindent.pl`` considers as a paragraph: - it must begin on its own line with either an alphabetic or numeric character, and not with any of the code-block types detailed in :numref:`tab:code-blocks`; - it can include line breaks, but finishes when it meets either a blank line, a ``\par`` command, or any of the user-specified settings in the ``paragraphsStopAt`` field, detailed in :numref:`lst:paragraphsStopAt`. Let’s start with the ``.tex`` file in :numref:`lst:shortlines`, together with the YAML settings in :numref:`lst:remove-para1-yaml`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/shortlines.tex :caption: ``shortlines.tex`` :name: lst:shortlines .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/remove-para1.yaml :caption: ``remove-para1.yaml`` :name: lst:remove-para1-yaml Upon running the command :: latexindent.pl -m shortlines.tex -o shortlines1.tex -l remove-para1.yaml then we obtain the output given in :numref:`lst:shortlines1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/shortlines1.tex :caption: ``shortlines1.tex`` :name: lst:shortlines1 Keen readers may notice that some trailing white space must be present in the file in :numref:`lst:shortlines` which has crept in to the output in :numref:`lst:shortlines1`. This can be fixed using the YAML file in :numref:`lst:removeTWS-before` and running, for example, :: latexindent.pl -m shortlines.tex -o shortlines1-tws.tex -l remove-para1.yaml,removeTWS-before.yaml in which case the output is as in :numref:`lst:shortlines1-tws`; notice that the double spaces present in :numref:`lst:shortlines1` have been addressed. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/shortlines1-tws.tex :caption: ``shortlines1-tws.tex`` :name: lst:shortlines1-tws Keeping with the settings in :numref:`lst:remove-para1-yaml`, we note that the ``all`` switch applies to *all* code block types. So, for example, let’s consider the files in :numref:`lst:shortlines-mand` and :numref:`lst:shortlines-opt` .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/shortlines-mand.tex :caption: ``shortlines-mand.tex`` :name: lst:shortlines-mand .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/shortlines-opt.tex :caption: ``shortlines-opt.tex`` :name: lst:shortlines-opt Upon running the commands :: latexindent.pl -m shortlines-mand.tex -o shortlines-mand1.tex -l remove-para1.yaml latexindent.pl -m shortlines-opt.tex -o shortlines-opt1.tex -l remove-para1.yaml then we obtain the respective output given in :numref:`lst:shortlines-mand1` and :numref:`lst:shortlines-opt1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/shortlines-mand1.tex :caption: ``shortlines-mand1.tex`` :name: lst:shortlines-mand1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/shortlines-opt1.tex :caption: ``shortlines-opt1.tex`` :name: lst:shortlines-opt1 Assuming that we turn *off* the ``all`` switch (by setting it to ``0``), then we can control the behaviour of ``removeParagraphLineBreaks`` either on a per-code-block-type basis, or on a per-name basis. For example, let’s use the code in :numref:`lst:shortlines-envs`, and consider the settings in :numref:`lst:remove-para2-yaml` and :numref:`lst:remove-para3-yaml`; note that in :numref:`lst:remove-para2-yaml` we specify that *every* environment should receive treatment from the routine, while in :numref:`lst:remove-para3-yaml` we specify that *only* the ``one`` environment should receive the treatment. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/shortlines-envs.tex :caption: ``shortlines-envs.tex`` :name: lst:shortlines-envs .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/remove-para2.yaml :caption: ``remove-para2.yaml`` :name: lst:remove-para2-yaml .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/remove-para3.yaml :caption: ``remove-para3.yaml`` :name: lst:remove-para3-yaml Upon running the commands :: latexindent.pl -m shortlines-envs.tex -o shortlines-envs2.tex -l remove-para2.yaml latexindent.pl -m shortlines-envs.tex -o shortlines-envs3.tex -l remove-para3.yaml then we obtain the respective output given in :numref:`lst:shortlines-envs2` and :numref:`lst:shortlines-envs3`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/shortlines-envs2.tex :caption: ``shortlines-envs2.tex`` :name: lst:shortlines-envs2 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/shortlines-envs3.tex :caption: ``shortlines-envs3.tex`` :name: lst:shortlines-envs3 The remaining code-block types can be customized in analogous ways, although note that ``commands``, ``keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets``, ``namedGroupingBracesBrackets``, ``UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets`` are controlled by the ``optionalArguments`` and the ``mandatoryArguments``. The only special case is the ``masterDocument`` field; this is designed for ‘chapter’-type files that may contain paragraphs that are not within any other code-blocks. For example, consider the file in :numref:`lst:shortlines-md`, with the YAML settings in :numref:`lst:remove-para4-yaml`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/shortlines-md.tex :caption: ``shortlines-md.tex`` :name: lst:shortlines-md .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/remove-para4.yaml :caption: ``remove-para4.yaml`` :name: lst:remove-para4-yaml Upon running the following command :: latexindent.pl -m shortlines-md.tex -o shortlines-md4.tex -l remove-para4.yaml then we obtain the output in :numref:`lst:shortlines-md4`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/shortlines-md4.tex :caption: ``shortlines-md4.tex`` :name: lst:shortlines-md4 ``paragraphsStopAt``: *fields* The paragraph line break routine considers blank lines and the ``\par`` command to be the end of a paragraph; you can fine tune the behaviour of the routine further by using the ``paragraphsStopAt`` fields, shown in :numref:`lst:paragraphsStopAt`. .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``paragraphsStopAt`` :name: lst:paragraphsStopAt :lines: 432-440 :linenos: :lineno-start: 432 The fields specified in ``paragraphsStopAt`` tell ``latexindent.pl`` to stop the current paragraph when it reaches a line that *begins* with any of the code-block types specified as ``1`` in :numref:`lst:paragraphsStopAt`. By default, you’ll see that the paragraph line break routine will stop when it reaches an environment at the beginning of a line. It is *not* possible to specify these fields on a per-name basis. Let’s use the ``.tex`` file in :numref:`lst:sl-stop`; we will, in turn, consider the settings in :numref:`lst:stop-command-yaml` and :numref:`lst:stop-comment-yaml`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/sl-stop.tex :caption: ``sl-stop.tex`` :name: lst:sl-stop .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/stop-command.yaml :caption: ``stop-command.yaml`` :name: lst:stop-command-yaml .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/stop-comment.yaml :caption: ``stop-comment.yaml`` :name: lst:stop-comment-yaml Upon using the settings from :numref:`lst:remove-para4-yaml` and running the commands :: latexindent.pl -m sl-stop.tex -o sl-stop4.tex -l remove-para4.yaml latexindent.pl -m sl-stop.tex -o sl-stop4-command.tex -l=remove-para4.yaml,stop-command.yaml latexindent.pl -m sl-stop.tex -o sl-stop4-comment.tex -l=remove-para4.yaml,stop-comment.yaml we obtain the respective outputs in :numref:`lst:sl-stop4` – :numref:`lst:sl-stop4-comment`; notice in particular that: - in :numref:`lst:sl-stop4` the paragraph line break routine has included commands and comments; - in :numref:`lst:sl-stop4-command` the paragraph line break routine has *stopped* at the ``emph`` command, because in :numref:`lst:stop-command-yaml` we have specified ``commands`` to be ``1``, and ``emph`` is at the beginning of a line; - in :numref:`lst:sl-stop4-comment` the paragraph line break routine has *stopped* at the comments, because in :numref:`lst:stop-comment-yaml` we have specified ``comments`` to be ``1``, and the comment is at the beginning of a line. In all outputs in :numref:`lst:sl-stop4` – :numref:`lst:sl-stop4-comment` we notice that the paragraph line break routine has stopped at ``\begin{myenv}`` because, by default, ``environments`` is set to ``1`` in :numref:`lst:paragraphsStopAt`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/sl-stop4.tex :caption: ``sl-stop4.tex`` :name: lst:sl-stop4 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/sl-stop4-command.tex :caption: ``sl-stop4-command.tex`` :name: lst:sl-stop4-command .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/sl-stop4-comment.tex :caption: ``sl-stop4-comment.tex`` :name: lst:sl-stop4-comment .. label follows .. _sec:poly-switches: Poly-switches ------------- Every other field in the ``modifyLineBreaks`` field uses poly-switches, and can take one of *five* \*blank line poly-switch integer values: - *remove mode*: line breaks before or after the ** can be removed (assuming that ``preserveBlankLines`` is set to ``0``); - *off mode*: line breaks will not be modified for the ** under consideration; - *add mode*: a line break will be added before or after the ** under consideration, assuming that there is not already a line break before or after the **; - *comment then add mode*: a comment symbol will be added, followed by a line break before or after the ** under consideration, assuming that there is not already a comment and line break before or after the **; - *add then blank line mode* : a line break will be added before or after the ** under consideration, assuming that there is not already a line break before or after the **, followed by a blank line. In the above, ** refers to either the *begin statement*, *body* or *end statement* of the code blocks detailed in :numref:`tab:code-blocks`. All poly-switches are *off* by default; ``latexindent.pl`` searches first of all for per-name settings, and then followed by global per-thing settings. .. label follows .. _sec:modifylinebreaks-environments: modifyLineBreaks for environments --------------------------------- We start by viewing a snippet of ``defaultSettings.yaml`` in :numref:`lst:environments-mlb`; note that it contains *global* settings (immediately after the ``environments`` field) and that *per-name* settings are also allowed – in the case of :numref:`lst:environments-mlb`, settings for ``equation*`` have been specified. Note that all poly-switches are *off* by default. .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``environments`` :name: lst:environments-mlb :lines: 441-450 :linenos: :lineno-start: 441 Let’s begin with the simple example given in :numref:`lst:env-mlb1-tex`; note that we have annotated key parts of the file using ♠, ♥, ◆ and ♣, these will be related to fields specified in :numref:`lst:environments-mlb`. .. code-block:: latex :caption: ``env-mlb1.tex`` :name: lst:env-mlb1-tex before words♠ \begin{myenv}♥body of myenv◆\end{myenv}♣ after words Adding line breaks using ``BeginStartsOnOwnLine`` and ``BodyStartsOnOwnLine`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let’s explore ``BeginStartsOnOwnLine`` and ``BodyStartsOnOwnLine`` in :numref:`lst:env-mlb1` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb2`, and in particular, let’s allow each of them in turn to take a value of :math:`1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb1.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb1.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb2.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb2.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb2 After running the following commands, :: latexindent.pl -m env-mlb.tex -l env-mlb1.yaml latexindent.pl -m env-mlb.tex -l env-mlb2.yaml the output is as in :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod1` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod2` respectively. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb-mod1.tex :caption: ``env-mlb.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb1` :name: lst:env-mlb-mod1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb-mod2.tex :caption: ``env-mlb.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb2` :name: lst:env-mlb-mod2 There are a couple of points to note: - in :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod1` a line break has been added at the point denoted by ♠ in :numref:`lst:env-mlb1-tex`; no other line breaks have been changed; - in :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod2` a line break has been added at the point denoted by ♥ in :numref:`lst:env-mlb1-tex`; furthermore, note that the *body* of ``myenv`` has received the appropriate (default) indentation. Let’s now change each of the ``1`` values in :numref:`lst:env-mlb1` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb2` so that they are :math:`2` and save them into ``env-mlb3.yaml`` and ``env-mlb4.yaml`` respectively (see :numref:`lst:env-mlb3` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb4`). .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb3.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb3.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb3 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb4.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb4.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb4 Upon running commands analogous to the above, we obtain :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod3` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod4`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb-mod3.tex :caption: ``env-mlb.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb3` :name: lst:env-mlb-mod3 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb-mod4.tex :caption: ``env-mlb.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb4` :name: lst:env-mlb-mod4 Note that line breaks have been added as in :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod1` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod2`, but this time a comment symbol has been added before adding the line break; in both cases, trailing horizontal space has been stripped before doing so. Let’s now change each of the ``1`` values in :numref:`lst:env-mlb1` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb2` so that they are :math:`3` and save them into ``env-mlb5.yaml`` and ``env-mlb6.yaml`` respectively (see :numref:`lst:env-mlb5` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb6`). .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb5.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb5.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb5 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb6.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb6.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb6 Upon running commands analogous to the above, we obtain :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod5` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod6`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb-mod5.tex :caption: ``env-mlb.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb5` :name: lst:env-mlb-mod5 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb-mod6.tex :caption: ``env-mlb.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb6` :name: lst:env-mlb-mod6 Note that line breaks have been added as in :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod1` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod2`, but this time a *blank line* has been added after adding the line break. Adding line breaks using ``EndStartsOnOwnLine`` and ``EndFinishesWithLineBreak`` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let’s explore ``EndStartsOnOwnLine`` and ``EndFinishesWithLineBreak`` in :numref:`lst:env-mlb7` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb8`, and in particular, let’s allow each of them in turn to take a value of :math:`1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb7.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb7.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb7 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb8.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb8.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb8 After running the following commands, :: latexindent.pl -m env-mlb.tex -l env-mlb7.yaml latexindent.pl -m env-mlb.tex -l env-mlb8.yaml the output is as in :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod7` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod8`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb-mod7.tex :caption: ``env-mlb.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb7` :name: lst:env-mlb-mod7 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb-mod8.tex :caption: ``env-mlb.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb8` :name: lst:env-mlb-mod8 There are a couple of points to note: - in :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod7` a line break has been added at the point denoted by ◆ in :numref:`lst:env-mlb1-tex`; no other line breaks have been changed and the ``\end{myenv}`` statement has *not* received indentation (as intended); - in :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod8` a line break has been added at the point denoted by ♣ in :numref:`lst:env-mlb1-tex`. Let’s now change each of the ``1`` values in :numref:`lst:env-mlb7` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb8` so that they are :math:`2` and save them into ``env-mlb9.yaml`` and ``env-mlb10.yaml`` respectively (see :numref:`lst:env-mlb9` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb10`). .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb9.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb9.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb9 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb10.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb10.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb10 Upon running commands analogous to the above, we obtain :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod9` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod10`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb-mod9.tex :caption: ``env-mlb.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb9` :name: lst:env-mlb-mod9 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb-mod10.tex :caption: ``env-mlb.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb10` :name: lst:env-mlb-mod10 Note that line breaks have been added as in :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod7` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod8`, but this time a comment symbol has been added before adding the line break; in both cases, trailing horizontal space has been stripped before doing so. Let’s now change each of the ``1`` values in :numref:`lst:env-mlb7` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb8` so that they are :math:`3` and save them into ``env-mlb11.yaml`` and ``env-mlb12.yaml`` respectively (see :numref:`lst:env-mlb11` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb12`). .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb11.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb11.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb11 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb12.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb12.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb12 Upon running commands analogous to the above, we obtain :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod11` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod12`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb-mod11.tex :caption: ``env-mlb.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb11` :name: lst:env-mlb-mod11 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb-mod12.tex :caption: ``env-mlb.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb12` :name: lst:env-mlb-mod12 Note that line breaks have been added as in :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod7` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb-mod8`, and that a *blank line* has been added after the line break. poly-switches only add line breaks when necessary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you ask ``latexindent.pl`` to add a line break (possibly with a comment) using a poly-switch value of :math:`1` (or :math:`2`), it will only do so if necessary. For example, if you process the file in :numref:`lst:mlb2` using any of the YAML files presented so far in this section, it will be left unchanged. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb2.tex :caption: ``env-mlb2.tex`` :name: lst:mlb2 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb3.tex :caption: ``env-mlb3.tex`` :name: lst:mlb3 In contrast, the output from processing the file in :numref:`lst:mlb3` will vary depending on the poly-switches used; in :numref:`lst:env-mlb3-mod2` you’ll see that the comment symbol after the ``\begin{myenv}`` has been moved to the next line, as ``BodyStartsOnOwnLine`` is set to ``1``. In :numref:`lst:env-mlb3-mod4` you’ll see that the comment has been accounted for correctly because ``BodyStartsOnOwnLine`` has been set to ``2``, and the comment symbol has *not* been moved to its own line. You’re encouraged to experiment with :numref:`lst:mlb3` and by setting the other poly-switches considered so far to ``2`` in turn. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb3-mod2.tex :caption: ``env-mlb3.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb2` :name: lst:env-mlb3-mod2 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb3-mod4.tex :caption: ``env-mlb3.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb4` :name: lst:env-mlb3-mod4 The details of the discussion in this section have concerned *global* poly-switches in the ``environments`` field; each switch can also be specified on a *per-name* basis, which would take priority over the global values; with reference to :numref:`lst:environments-mlb`, an example is shown for the ``equation*`` environment. Removing line breaks (poly-switches set to :math:`-1`) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Setting poly-switches to :math:`-1` tells ``latexindent.pl`` to remove line breaks of the **, if necessary. We will consider the example code given in :numref:`lst:mlb4`, noting in particular the positions of the line break highlighters, ♠, ♥, ◆ and ♣, together with the associated YAML files in :numref:`lst:env-mlb13` – :numref:`lst:env-mlb16`. .. code-block:: latex :caption: ``env-mlb4.tex`` :name: lst:mlb4 before words♠ \begin{myenv}♥ body of myenv◆ \end{myenv}♣ after words After .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb13.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb13.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb13 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb14.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb14.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb14 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb15.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb15.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb15 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb16.yaml :caption: ``env-mlb16.yaml`` :name: lst:env-mlb16 running the commands :: latexindent.pl -m env-mlb4.tex -l env-mlb13.yaml latexindent.pl -m env-mlb4.tex -l env-mlb14.yaml latexindent.pl -m env-mlb4.tex -l env-mlb15.yaml latexindent.pl -m env-mlb4.tex -l env-mlb16.yaml we obtain the respective output in :numref:`lst:env-mlb4-mod13` – :numref:`lst:env-mlb4-mod16`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb4-mod13.tex :caption: ``env-mlb4.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb13` :name: lst:env-mlb4-mod13 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb4-mod14.tex :caption: ``env-mlb4.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb14` :name: lst:env-mlb4-mod14 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb4-mod15.tex :caption: ``env-mlb4.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb15` :name: lst:env-mlb4-mod15 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb4-mod16.tex :caption: ``env-mlb4.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb16` :name: lst:env-mlb4-mod16 Notice that in: - :numref:`lst:env-mlb4-mod13` the line break denoted by ♠ in :numref:`lst:mlb4` has been removed; - :numref:`lst:env-mlb4-mod14` the line break denoted by ♥ in :numref:`lst:mlb4` has been removed; - :numref:`lst:env-mlb4-mod15` the line break denoted by ◆ in :numref:`lst:mlb4` has been removed; - :numref:`lst:env-mlb4-mod16` the line break denoted by ♣ in :numref:`lst:mlb4` has been removed. We examined each of these cases separately for clarity of explanation, but you can combine all of the YAML settings in :numref:`lst:env-mlb13` – :numref:`lst:env-mlb16` into one file; alternatively, you could tell ``latexindent.pl`` to load them all by using the following command, for example :: latexindent.pl -m env-mlb4.tex -l env-mlb13.yaml,env-mlb14.yaml,env-mlb15.yaml,env-mlb16.yaml which gives the output in :numref:`lst:env-mlb1-tex`. About trailing horizontal space ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Recall that on we discussed the YAML field ``removeTrailingWhitespace``, and that it has two (binary) switches to determine if horizontal space should be removed ``beforeProcessing`` and ``afterProcessing``. The ``beforeProcessing`` is particularly relevant when considering the ``-m`` switch; let’s consider the file shown in :numref:`lst:mlb5`, which highlights trailing spaces. .. code-block:: latex :caption: ``env-mlb5.tex`` :name: lst:mlb5 before words ♠ \begin{myenv} ♥ body of myenv ◆ \end{myenv} ♣ after words The .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/removeTWS-before.yaml :caption: ``removeTWS-before.yaml`` :name: lst:removeTWS-before output from the following commands :: latexindent.pl -m env-mlb5.tex -l env-mlb13.yaml,env-mlb14.yaml,env-mlb15.yaml,env-mlb16.yaml latexindent.pl -m env-mlb5.tex -l env-mlb13.yaml,env-mlb14.yaml,env-mlb15.yaml,env-mlb16.yaml,removeTWS-before.yaml is shown, respectively, in :numref:`lst:env-mlb5-modAll` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb5-modAll-remove-WS`; note that the trailing horizontal white space has been preserved (by default) in :numref:`lst:env-mlb5-modAll`, while in :numref:`lst:env-mlb5-modAll-remove-WS`, it has been removed using the switch specified in :numref:`lst:removeTWS-before`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb5-modAll.tex :caption: ``env-mlb5.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb4-mod13` – :numref:`lst:env-mlb4-mod16` :name: lst:env-mlb5-modAll .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb5-modAll-remove-WS.tex :caption: ``env-mlb5.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb4-mod13` – :numref:`lst:env-mlb4-mod16` *and* :numref:`lst:removeTWS-before` :name: lst:env-mlb5-modAll-remove-WS poly-switch line break removal and blank lines ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now let’s consider the file in :numref:`lst:mlb6`, which contains blank lines. .. code-block:: latex :caption: ``env-mlb6.tex`` :name: lst:mlb6 before words♠ \begin{myenv}♥ body of myenv◆ \end{myenv}♣ after words Upon .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/UnpreserveBlankLines.yaml :caption: ``UnpreserveBlankLines.yaml`` :name: lst:UnpreserveBlankLines running the following commands :: latexindent.pl -m env-mlb6.tex -l env-mlb13.yaml,env-mlb14.yaml,env-mlb15.yaml,env-mlb16.yaml latexindent.pl -m env-mlb6.tex -l env-mlb13.yaml,env-mlb14.yaml,env-mlb15.yaml,env-mlb16.yaml,UnpreserveBlankLines.yaml we receive the respective outputs in :numref:`lst:env-mlb6-modAll` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb6-modAll-un-Preserve-Blank-Lines`. In :numref:`lst:env-mlb6-modAll` we see that the multiple blank lines have each been condensed into one blank line, but that blank lines have *not* been removed by the poly-switches – this is because, by default, ``preserveBlankLines`` is set to ``1``. By contrast, in :numref:`lst:env-mlb6-modAll-un-Preserve-Blank-Lines`, we have allowed the poly-switches to remove blank lines because, in :numref:`lst:UnpreserveBlankLines`, we have set ``preserveBlankLines`` to ``0``. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb6-modAll.tex :caption: ``env-mlb6.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb4-mod13` – :numref:`lst:env-mlb4-mod16` :name: lst:env-mlb6-modAll .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb6-modAll-un-Preserve-Blank-Lines.tex :caption: ``env-mlb6.tex`` using :numref:`lst:env-mlb4-mod13` – :numref:`lst:env-mlb4-mod16` *and* :numref:`lst:UnpreserveBlankLines` :name: lst:env-mlb6-modAll-un-Preserve-Blank-Lines We can explore this further using the blank-line poly-switch value of :math:`3`; let’s use the file given in :numref:`lst:env-mlb7-tex`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb7.tex :caption: ``env-mlb7.tex`` :name: lst:env-mlb7-tex Upon running the following commands :: latexindent.pl -m env-mlb7.tex -l env-mlb12.yaml,env-mlb13.yaml latexindent.pl -m env-mlb7.tex -l env-mlb13.yaml,env-mlb14.yaml,UnpreserveBlankLines.yaml we receive the outputs given in :numref:`lst:env-mlb7-preserve` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb7-no-preserve`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb7-preserve.tex :caption: ``env-mlb7-preserve.tex`` :name: lst:env-mlb7-preserve .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/env-mlb7-no-preserve.tex :caption: ``env-mlb7-no-preserve.tex`` :name: lst:env-mlb7-no-preserve Notice that in: - :numref:`lst:env-mlb7-preserve` that ``\end{one}`` has added a blank line, because of the value of ``EndFinishesWithLineBreak`` in :numref:`lst:env-mlb12`, and even though the line break ahead of ``\begin{two}`` should have been removed (because of ``BeginStartsOnOwnLine`` in :numref:`lst:env-mlb13`), the blank line has been preserved by default; - :numref:`lst:env-mlb7-no-preserve`, by contrast, has had the additional line-break removed, because of the settings in :numref:`lst:UnpreserveBlankLines`. Poly-switches for other code blocks ----------------------------------- Rather than repeat the examples shown for the environment code blocks (in :numref:`sec:modifylinebreaks-environments`), we choose to detail the poly-switches for all other code blocks in :numref:`tab:poly-switch-mapping`; note that each and every one of these poly-switches is *off by default*, i.e, set to ``0``. Note also that, by design, line breaks involving ``verbatim``, ``filecontents`` and ‘comment-marked’ code blocks (:numref:`lst:alignmentmarkup`) can *not* be modified using ``latexindent.pl``. .. label follows .. _tab:poly-switch-mapping: .. table:: Poly-switch mappings for all code-block types +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | Code block | Sample | | | +=================================+=================================+=====+====================================+ | environment | ``before words``\ ♠ | ♠ | BeginStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``\begin{myenv}``\ ♥ | ♥ | BodyStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``body of myenv``\ ◆ | ◆ | EndStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``\end{myenv}``\ ♣ | ♣ | EndFinishesWithLineBreak | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``after words`` | | | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | ifelsefi | ``before words``\ ♠ | ♠ | IfStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``\if...``\ ♥ | ♥ | BodyStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``body of if statement``\ ★ | ★ | ElseStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``\else``\ □ | □ | ElseFinishesWithLineBreak | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``body of else statement``\ ◆ | ◆ | FiStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``\fi``\ ♣ | ♣ | FiFinishesWithLineBreak | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``after words`` | | | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | optionalArguments | ``...``\ ♠ | ♠ | LSqBStartsOnOwnLine [1]_ | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``[``\ ♥ | ♥ | OptArgBodyStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``body of opt arg``\ ◆ | ◆ | RSqBStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``]``\ ♣ | ♣ | RSqBFinishesWithLineBreak | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``...`` | | | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | mandatoryArguments | ``...``\ ♠ | ♠ | LCuBStartsOnOwnLine [2]_ | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``{``\ ♥ | ♥ | MandArgBodyStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``body of mand arg``\ ◆ | ◆ | RCuBStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``}``\ ♣ | ♣ | RCuBFinishesWithLineBreak | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``...`` | | | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | commands | ``before words``\ ♠ | ♠ | CommandStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``\mycommand``\ ♥ | ♥ | CommandNameFinishesWithLineBreak | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | | | | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | namedGroupingBraces Brackets | before words♠ | ♠ | NameStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | myname♥ | ♥ | NameFinishesWithLineBreak | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | | | | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets | before words♠ | ♠ | KeyStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | key●=♥ | ● | EqualsStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | | ♥ | EqualsFinishesWithLineBreak | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | items | before words♠ | ♠ | ItemStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``\item``\ ♥ | ♥ | ItemFinishesWithLineBreak | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``...`` | | | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | specialBeginEnd | before words♠ | ♠ | SpecialBeginStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``\[``\ ♥ | ♥ | SpecialBodyStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | body of special◆ | ◆ | SpecialEndStartsOnOwnLine | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | ``\]``\ ♣ | ♣ | SpecialEndFinishesWithLineBreak | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ | | after words | | | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-----+------------------------------------+ Partnering ``BodyStartsOnOwnLine`` with argument-based poly-switches -------------------------------------------------------------------- Some poly-switches need to be partnered together; in particular, when line breaks involving the *first* argument of a code block need to be accounted for using both ``BodyStartsOnOwnLine`` (or its equivalent, see :numref:`tab:poly-switch-mapping`) and ``LCuBStartsOnOwnLine`` for mandatory arguments, and ``LSqBStartsOnOwnLine`` for optional arguments. Let’s begin with the code in :numref:`lst:mycommand1` and the YAML settings in :numref:`lst:mycom-mlb1`; with reference to :numref:`tab:poly-switch-mapping`, the key ``CommandNameFinishesWithLineBreak`` is an alias for ``BodyStartsOnOwnLine``. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand1.tex :caption: ``mycommand1.tex`` :name: lst:mycommand1 Upon running the command :: latexindent.pl -m -l=mycom-mlb1.yaml mycommand1.tex we obtain :numref:`lst:mycommand1-mlb1`; note that the *second* mandatory argument beginning brace ``{`` has had its leading line break removed, but that the *first* brace has not. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand1-mlb1.tex :caption: ``mycommand1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:mycom-mlb1` :name: lst:mycommand1-mlb1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycom-mlb1.yaml :caption: ``mycom-mlb1.yaml`` :name: lst:mycom-mlb1 Now let’s change the YAML file so that it is as in :numref:`lst:mycom-mlb2`; upon running the analogous command to that given above, we obtain :numref:`lst:mycommand1-mlb2`; both beginning braces ``{`` have had their leading line breaks removed. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand1-mlb2.tex :caption: ``mycommand1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:mycom-mlb2` :name: lst:mycommand1-mlb2 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycom-mlb2.yaml :caption: ``mycom-mlb2.yaml`` :name: lst:mycom-mlb2 Now let’s change the YAML file so that it is as in :numref:`lst:mycom-mlb3`; upon running the analogous command to that given above, we obtain :numref:`lst:mycommand1-mlb3`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand1-mlb3.tex :caption: ``mycommand1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:mycom-mlb3` :name: lst:mycommand1-mlb3 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycom-mlb3.yaml :caption: ``mycom-mlb3.yaml`` :name: lst:mycom-mlb3 Conflicting poly-switches: sequential code blocks ------------------------------------------------- It is very easy to have conflicting poly-switches; if we use the example from :numref:`lst:mycommand1`, and consider the YAML settings given in :numref:`lst:mycom-mlb4`. The output from running :: latexindent.pl -m -l=mycom-mlb4.yaml mycommand1.tex is given in :numref:`lst:mycom-mlb4`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand1-mlb4.tex :caption: ``mycommand1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:mycom-mlb4` :name: lst:mycommand1-mlb4 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycom-mlb4.yaml :caption: ``mycom-mlb4.yaml`` :name: lst:mycom-mlb4 Studying :numref:`lst:mycom-mlb4`, we see that the two poly-switches are at opposition with one another: - on the one hand, ``LCuBStartsOnOwnLine`` should *not* start on its own line (as poly-switch is set to :math:`-1`); - on the other hand, ``RCuBFinishesWithLineBreak`` *should* finish with a line break. So, which should win the conflict? As demonstrated in :numref:`lst:mycommand1-mlb4`, it is clear that ``LCuBStartsOnOwnLine`` won this conflict, and the reason is that *the second argument was processed after the first* – in general, the most recently-processed code block and associated poly-switch takes priority. We can explore this further by considering the YAML settings in :numref:`lst:mycom-mlb5`; upon running the command :: latexindent.pl -m -l=mycom-mlb5.yaml mycommand1.tex we obtain the output given in :numref:`lst:mycommand1-mlb5`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand1-mlb5.tex :caption: ``mycommand1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:mycom-mlb5` :name: lst:mycommand1-mlb5 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycom-mlb5.yaml :caption: ``mycom-mlb5.yaml`` :name: lst:mycom-mlb5 As previously, the most-recently-processed code block takes priority – as before, the second (i.e, *last*) argument. Exploring this further, we consider the YAML settings in :numref:`lst:mycom-mlb6`, which give associated output in :numref:`lst:mycommand1-mlb6`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand1-mlb6.tex :caption: ``mycommand1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:mycom-mlb6` :name: lst:mycommand1-mlb6 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycom-mlb6.yaml :caption: ``mycom-mlb6.yaml`` :name: lst:mycom-mlb6 Note that a ``%`` *has* been added to the trailing first ``}``; this is because: - while processing the *first* argument, the trailing line break has been removed (``RCuBFinishesWithLineBreak`` set to :math:`-1`); - while processing the *second* argument, ``latexindent.pl`` finds that it does *not* begin on its own line, and so because ``LCuBStartsOnOwnLine`` is set to :math:`2`, it adds a comment, followed by a line break. Conflicting poly-switches: nested code blocks --------------------------------------------- Now let’s consider an example when nested code blocks have conflicting poly-switches; we’ll use the code in :numref:`lst:nested-env`, noting that it contains nested environments. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/nested-env.tex :caption: ``nested-env.tex`` :name: lst:nested-env Let’s use the YAML settings given in :numref:`lst:nested-env-mlb1-yaml`, which upon running the command :: latexindent.pl -m -l=nested-env-mlb1.yaml nested-env.tex gives the output in :numref:`lst:nested-env-mlb1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/nested-env-mlb1.tex :caption: ``nested-env.tex`` using :numref:`lst:nested-env-mlb1-yaml` :name: lst:nested-env-mlb1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/nested-env-mlb1.yaml :caption: ``nested-env-mlb1.yaml`` :name: lst:nested-env-mlb1-yaml In :numref:`lst:nested-env-mlb1`, let’s first of all note that both environments have received the appropriate (default) indentation; secondly, note that the poly-switch ``EndStartsOnOwnLine`` appears to have won the conflict, as ``\end{one}`` has had its leading line break removed. To understand it, let’s talk about the three basic phases .. label follows .. _page:phases: of ``latexindent.pl``: #. Phase 1: packing, in which code blocks are replaced with unique ids, working from *the inside to the outside*, and then sequentially – for example, in :numref:`lst:nested-env`, the ``two`` environment is found *before* the ``one`` environment; if the -m switch is active, then during this phase: - line breaks at the beginning of the ``body`` can be added (if ``BodyStartsOnOwnLine`` is :math:`1` or :math:`2`) or removed (if ``BodyStartsOnOwnLine`` is :math:`-1`); - line breaks at the end of the body can be added (if ``EndStartsOnOwnLine`` is :math:`1` or :math:`2`) or removed (if ``EndStartsOnOwnLine`` is :math:`-1`); - line breaks after the end statement can be added (if ``EndFinishesWithLineBreak`` is :math:`1` or :math:`2`). #. Phase 2: indentation, in which white space is added to the begin, body, and end statements; #. Phase 3: unpacking, in which unique ids are replaced by their *indented* code blocks; if the -m switch is active, then during this phase, - line breaks before ``begin`` statements can be added or removed (depending upon ``BeginStartsOnOwnLine``); - line breaks after *end* statements can be removed but *NOT* added (see ``EndFinishesWithLineBreak``). With reference to :numref:`lst:nested-env-mlb1`, this means that during Phase 1: - the ``two`` environment is found first, and the line break ahead of the ``\end{two}`` statement is removed because ``EndStartsOnOwnLine`` is set to :math:`-1`. Importantly, because, *at this stage*, ``\end{two}`` *does* finish with a line break, ``EndFinishesWithLineBreak`` causes no action. - next, the ``one`` environment is found; the line break ahead of ``\end{one}`` is removed because ``EndStartsOnOwnLine`` is set to :math:`-1`. The indentation is done in Phase 2; in Phase 3 *there is no option to add a line break after the ``end`` statements*. We can justify this by remembering that during Phase 3, the ``one`` environment will be found and processed first, followed by the ``two`` environment. If the ``two`` environment were to add a line break after the ``\end{two}`` statement, then ``latexindent.pl`` would have no way of knowing how much indentation to add to the subsequent text (in this case, ``\end{one}``). We can explore this further using the poly-switches in :numref:`lst:nested-env-mlb2`; upon running the command :: latexindent.pl -m -l=nested-env-mlb2.yaml nested-env.tex we obtain the output given in :numref:`lst:nested-env-mlb2-output`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/nested-env-mlb2.tex :caption: ``nested-env.tex`` using :numref:`lst:nested-env-mlb2` :name: lst:nested-env-mlb2-output .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/nested-env-mlb2.yaml :caption: ``nested-env-mlb2.yaml`` :name: lst:nested-env-mlb2 During Phase 1: - the ``two`` environment is found first, and the line break ahead of the ``\end{two}`` statement is not changed because ``EndStartsOnOwnLine`` is set to :math:`1`. Importantly, because, *at this stage*, ``\end{two}`` *does* finish with a line break, ``EndFinishesWithLineBreak`` causes no action. - next, the ``one`` environment is found; the line break ahead of ``\end{one}`` is already present, and no action is needed. The indentation is done in Phase 2, and then in Phase 3, the ``one`` environment is found and processed first, followed by the ``two`` environment. *At this stage*, the ``two`` environment finds ``EndFinishesWithLineBreak`` is :math:`-1`, so it removes the trailing line break; remember, at this point, ``latexindent.pl`` has completely finished with the ``one`` environment. .. raw:: html
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mlep. 2017. “One Sentence Per Line.” August 16. https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl/issues/81. .. raw:: html
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Owens, John. 2017. “Paragraph Line Break Routine Removal.” May 27. https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl/issues/33. .. raw:: html
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“Text:Wrap Perl Module.” 2017. Accessed May 1. http://perldoc.perl.org/Text/Wrap.html. .. raw:: html
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.. [1] LSqB stands for Left Square Bracket .. [2] LCuB stands for Left Curly Brace