.. label follows .. _sec:defuseloc: defaultSettings.yaml ==================== ``latexindent.pl`` loads its settings from ``defaultSettings.yaml``. The idea is to separate the behaviour of the script from the internal working – this is very similar to the way that we separate content from form when writing our documents in LaTeX. If you look in ``defaultSettings.yaml`` you’ll find the switches that govern the behaviour of ``latexindent.pl``. If you’re not sure where ``defaultSettings.yaml`` resides on your computer, don’t worry as ``indent.log`` will tell you where to find it. ``defaultSettings.yaml`` is commented, but here is a description of what each switch is designed to do. The default value is given in each case; whenever you see *integer* in *this* section, assume that it must be greater than or equal to ``0`` unless otherwise stated. ``fileExtensionPreference``: *fields* ``latexindent.pl`` can be called to act on a file without specifying the file extension. For example we can call :: latexindent.pl myfile in .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``fileExtensionPreference`` :name: lst:fileExtensionPreference :lines: 38-42 :linenos: :lineno-start: 38 which case the script will look for ``myfile`` with the extensions specified in ``fileExtensionPreference`` in their numeric order. If no match is found, the script will exit. As with all of the fields, you should change and/or add to this as necessary. Calling ``latexindent.pl myfile`` with the (default) settings specified in :numref:`lst:fileExtensionPreference` means that the script will first look for ``myfile.tex``, then ``myfile.sty``, ``myfile.cls``, and finally ``myfile.bib`` in order [1]_. ``backupExtension``: *extension name* If you call ``latexindent.pl`` with the ``-w`` switch (to overwrite ``myfile.tex``) then it will create a backup file before doing any indentation; the default extension is ``.bak``, so, for example, ``myfile.bak0`` would be created when calling ``latexindent.pl myfile.tex`` for the first time. By default, every time you subsequently call ``latexindent.pl`` with the ``-w`` to act upon ``myfile.tex``, it will create successive back up files: ``myfile.bak1``, ``myfile.bak2``, etc. ``onlyOneBackUp``: *integer* .. label follows .. _page:onlyonebackup: If you don’t want a backup for every time that you call ``latexindent.pl`` (so you don’t want ``myfile.bak1``, ``myfile.bak2``, etc) and you simply want ``myfile.bak`` (or whatever you chose ``backupExtension`` to be) then change ``onlyOneBackUp`` to ``1``; the default value of ``onlyOneBackUp`` is ``0``. ``maxNumberOfBackUps``: *integer* Some users may only want a finite number of backup files, say at most :math:`3`, in which case, they can change this switch. The smallest value of ``maxNumberOfBackUps`` is :math:`0` which will *not* prevent backup files being made; in this case, the behaviour will be dictated entirely by ``onlyOneBackUp``. The default value of ``maxNumberOfBackUps`` is ``0``. ``cycleThroughBackUps``: *integer* Some users may wish to cycle through backup files, by deleting the oldest backup file and keeping only the most recent; for example, with ``maxNumberOfBackUps: 4``, and ``cycleThroughBackUps`` set to ``1`` then the ``copy`` procedure given below would be obeyed. :: copy myfile.bak1 to myfile.bak0 copy myfile.bak2 to myfile.bak1 copy myfile.bak3 to myfile.bak2 copy myfile.bak4 to myfile.bak3 The default value of ``cycleThroughBackUps`` is ``0``. ``logFilePreferences``: *fields* ``latexindent.pl`` writes information to ``indent.log``, some of which can be customized by changing ``logFilePreferences``; see :numref:`lst:logFilePreferences`. If you load your own user settings (see :numref:`sec:indentconfig`) then ``latexindent.pl`` will detail them in ``indent.log``; you can choose not to have the details logged by switching ``showEveryYamlRead`` to ``0``. Once all of your settings have been loaded, you can see the amalgamated settings in the log file by switching ``showAmalgamatedSettings`` to ``1``, if you wish. .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``logFilePreferences`` :name: lst:logFilePreferences :lines: 79-89 :linenos: :lineno-start: 79 When either of the ``trace`` modes (see ) are active, you will receive detailed information in ``indent.log``. You can specify character strings to appear before and after the notification of a found code block using, respectively, ``showDecorationStartCodeBlockTrace`` and ``showDecorationFinishCodeBlockTrace``. A demonstration is given in :numref:`app:logfile-demo`. The log file will end with the characters given in ``endLogFileWith``, and will report the ``GitHub`` address of ``latexindent.pl`` to the log file if ``showGitHubInfoFooter`` is set to ``1``. ``latexindent.pl`` uses the ``log4perl`` module (“Log4perl Perl Module” 2017) to handle the creation of the logfile. You can specify the layout of the information given in the logfile using any of the ``Log Layouts`` detailed at (“Log4perl Perl Module” 2017). ``verbatimEnvironments``: *fields* A field that contains a list of environments that you would like left completely alone – no indentation will be performed on environments that you have specified in this field, see :numref:`lst:verbatimEnvironments`. .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``verbatimEnvironments`` :name: lst:verbatimEnvironments :lines: 93-96 :linenos: :lineno-start: 93 .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``verbatimCommands`` :name: lst:verbatimCommands :lines: 99-101 :linenos: :lineno-start: 99 Note that if you put an environment in ``verbatimEnvironments`` and in other fields such as ``lookForAlignDelims`` or ``noAdditionalIndent`` then ``latexindent.pl`` will *always* prioritize ``verbatimEnvironments``. ``verbatimCommands``: *fields* A field that contains a list of commands that are verbatim commands, for example ``\verb``; any commands populated in this field are protected from line breaking routines (only relevant if the ``-m`` is active, see :numref:`sec:modifylinebreaks`). ``noIndentBlock``: *fields* .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``noIndentBlock`` :name: lst:noIndentBlock :lines: 107-109 :linenos: :lineno-start: 107 If you have a block of code that you don’t want ``latexindent.pl`` to touch (even if it is *not* a verbatim-like environment) then you can wrap it in an environment from ``noIndentBlock``; you can use any name you like for this, provided you populate it as demonstrate in :numref:`lst:noIndentBlock`. Of course, you don’t want to have to specify these as null environments in your code, so you use them with a comment symbol, ``%``, followed by as many spaces (possibly none) as you like; see :numref:`lst:noIndentBlockdemo` for example. .. code-block:: latex :caption: ``noIndentBlock`` demonstration :name: lst:noIndentBlockdemo %(*@@*) \begin{noindent} this code won't be touched by latexindent.pl! %(*@@*)\end{noindent} ``removeTrailingWhitespace``: *fields* .. label follows .. _yaml:removeTrailingWhitespace: .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: removeTrailingWhitespace :name: lst:removeTrailingWhitespace :lines: 112-114 :linenos: :lineno-start: 112 .. code-block:: latex :caption: removeTrailingWhitespace (alt) :name: lst:removeTrailingWhitespace-alt removeTrailingWhitespace: 1 Trailing white space can be removed both *before* and *after* processing the document, as detailed in :numref:`lst:removeTrailingWhitespace`; each of the fields can take the values ``0`` or ``1``. See :numref:`lst:removeTWS-before` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb5-modAll` and :numref:`lst:env-mlb5-modAll-remove-WS` for before and after results. Thanks to Voßkuhle (2013) for providing this feature. You can specify ``removeTrailingWhitespace`` simply as ``0`` or ``1``, if you wish; in this case, ``latexindent.pl`` will set both ``beforeProcessing`` and ``afterProcessing`` to the value you specify; see :numref:`lst:removeTrailingWhitespace-alt`. ``fileContentsEnvironments``: *field* .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``fileContentsEnvironments`` :name: lst:fileContentsEnvironments :lines: 118-120 :linenos: :lineno-start: 118 Before ``latexindent.pl`` determines the difference between preamble (if any) and the main document, it first searches for any of the environments specified in ``fileContentsEnvironments``, see :numref:`lst:fileContentsEnvironments`. The behaviour of ``latexindent.pl`` on these environments is determined by their location (preamble or not), and the value ``indentPreamble``, discussed next. ``indentPreamble``: *0\|1* The preamble of a document can sometimes contain some trickier code for ``latexindent.pl`` to operate upon. By default, ``latexindent.pl`` won’t try to operate on the preamble (as ``indentPreamble`` is set to ``0``, by default), but if you’d like ``latexindent.pl`` to try then change ``indentPreamble`` to ``1``. ``lookForPreamble``: *fields* .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: lookForPreamble :name: lst:lookForPreamble :lines: 126-130 :linenos: :lineno-start: 126 Not all files contain preamble; for example, ``sty``, ``cls`` and ``bib`` files typically do *not*. Referencing :numref:`lst:lookForPreamble`, if you set, for example, ``.tex`` to ``0``, then regardless of the setting of the value of ``indentPreamble``, preamble will not be assumed when operating upon ``.tex`` files. ``preambleCommandsBeforeEnvironments``: *0\|1* Assuming that ``latexindent.pl`` is asked to operate upon the preamble of a document, when this switch is set to ``0`` then environment code blocks will be sought first, and then command code blocks. When this switch is set to ``1``, commands will be sought first. The example that first motivated this switch contained the code given in :numref:`lst:motivatepreambleCommandsBeforeEnvironments`. .. code-block:: latex :caption: Motivating ``preambleCommandsBeforeEnvironments`` :name: lst:motivatepreambleCommandsBeforeEnvironments ... preheadhook={\begin{mdframed}[style=myframedstyle]}, postfoothook=\end{mdframed}, ... ``defaultIndent``: *horizontal space* This is the default indentation (``\t`` means a tab, and is the default value) used in the absence of other details for the command or environment we are working with; see ``indentRules`` in :numref:`sec:noadd-indent-rules` for more details. If you’re interested in experimenting with ``latexindent.pl`` then you can *remove* all indentation by setting ``defaultIndent: ""``. ``lookForAlignDelims``: *fields* .. label follows .. _yaml:lookforaligndelims: .. code-block:: latex :caption: ``lookForAlignDelims`` (basic) :name: lst:aligndelims:basic lookForAlignDelims: tabular: 1 tabularx: 1 longtable: 1 array: 1 matrix: 1 ... This contains a list of environments and/or commands that are operated upon in a special way by ``latexindent.pl`` (see :numref:`lst:aligndelims:basic`). In fact, the fields in ``lookForAlignDelims`` can actually take two different forms: the *basic* version is shown in :numref:`lst:aligndelims:basic` and the *advanced* version in :numref:`lst:aligndelims:advanced`; we will discuss each in turn. The environments specified in this field will be operated on in a special way by ``latexindent.pl``. In particular, it will try and align each column by its alignment tabs. It does have some limitations (discussed further in :numref:`sec:knownlimitations`), but in many cases it will produce results such as those in :numref:`lst:tabularbefore:basic` and :numref:`lst:tabularafter:basic`. If you find that ``latexindent.pl`` does not perform satisfactorily on such environments then you can set the relevant key to ``0``, for example ``tabular: 0``; alternatively, if you just want to ignore *specific* instances of the environment, you could wrap them in something from ``noIndentBlock`` (see :numref:`lst:noIndentBlock`). .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular1.tex :caption: ``tabular1.tex`` :name: lst:tabularbefore:basic .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular1-default.tex :caption: ``tabular1.tex`` default output :name: lst:tabularafter:basic If, for example, you wish to remove the alignment of the ``\\`` within a delimiter-aligned block, then the advanced form of ``lookForAlignDelims`` shown in :numref:`lst:aligndelims:advanced` is for you. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular.yaml :caption: ``tabular.yaml`` :name: lst:aligndelims:advanced Note that you can use a mixture of the basic and advanced form: in :numref:`lst:aligndelims:advanced` ``tabular`` and ``tabularx`` are advanced and ``longtable`` is basic. When using the advanced form, each field should receive at least 1 sub-field, and *can* (but does not have to) receive any of the following fields: - ``delims``: binary switch (0 or 1) equivalent to simply specifying, for example, ``tabular: 1`` in the basic version shown in :numref:`lst:aligndelims:basic`. If ``delims`` is set to ``0`` then the align at ampersand routine will not be called for this code block (default: 1); - ``alignDoubleBackSlash``: binary switch (0 or 1) to determine if ``\\`` should be aligned (default: 1); - ``spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash``: optionally, \*update to spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash in ampersand alignment specifies the number (integer :math:`\geq` 0) of spaces to be inserted before ``\\`` (default: 1). [2]_ - ``multiColumnGrouping``: binary switch (0 or 1) that details if ``latexindent.pl`` should group columns above and below a ``\multicolumn`` command (default: 0); - ``alignRowsWithoutMaxDelims``: binary switch (0 or 1) that details if rows that do not contain the maximum number of delimeters should be formatted so as to have the ampersands aligned (default: 1); - ``spacesBeforeAmpersand``: optionally specifies the number (integer :math:`\geq` 0) of spaces to be placed *before* ampersands (default: 1); - ``spacesAfterAmpersand``: optionally specifies the number (integer :math:`\geq` 0) of spaces to be placed *After* ampersands (default: 1); - ``justification``: optionally specifies the justification of each cell as either *left* or *right* (default: left). We will explore each of these features using the file ``tabular2.tex`` in :numref:`lst:tabular2` (which contains a ``\multicolumn`` command), and the YAML files in :numref:`lst:tabular2YAML` – :numref:`lst:tabular8YAML`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular2.tex :caption: ``tabular2.tex`` :name: lst:tabular2 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular2.yaml :caption: ``tabular2.yaml`` :name: lst:tabular2YAML .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular3.yaml :caption: ``tabular3.yaml`` :name: lst:tabular3YAML .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular4.yaml :caption: ``tabular4.yaml`` :name: lst:tabular4YAML .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular5.yaml :caption: ``tabular5.yaml`` :name: lst:tabular5YAML .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular6.yaml :caption: ``tabular6.yaml`` :name: lst:tabular6YAML .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular7.yaml :caption: ``tabular7.yaml`` :name: lst:tabular7YAML .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular8.yaml :caption: ``tabular8.yaml`` :name: lst:tabular8YAML On running the commands :: latexindent.pl tabular2.tex latexindent.pl tabular2.tex -l tabular2.yaml latexindent.pl tabular2.tex -l tabular3.yaml latexindent.pl tabular2.tex -l tabular2.yaml,tabular4.yaml latexindent.pl tabular2.tex -l tabular2.yaml,tabular5.yaml latexindent.pl tabular2.tex -l tabular2.yaml,tabular6.yaml latexindent.pl tabular2.tex -l tabular2.yaml,tabular7.yaml latexindent.pl tabular2.tex -l tabular2.yaml,tabular8.yaml we obtain the respective outputs given in :numref:`lst:tabular2-default` – :numref:`lst:tabular2-mod8`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular2-default.tex :caption: ``tabular2.tex`` default output :name: lst:tabular2-default .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular2-mod2.tex :caption: ``tabular2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:tabular2YAML` :name: lst:tabular2-mod2 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular2-mod3.tex :caption: ``tabular2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:tabular3YAML` :name: lst:tabular2-mod3 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular2-mod4.tex :caption: ``tabular2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:tabular2YAML` and :numref:`lst:tabular4YAML` :name: lst:tabular2-mod4 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular2-mod5.tex :caption: ``tabular2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:tabular2YAML` and :numref:`lst:tabular5YAML` :name: lst:tabular2-mod5 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular2-mod6.tex :caption: ``tabular2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:tabular2YAML` and :numref:`lst:tabular6YAML` :name: lst:tabular2-mod6 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular2-mod7.tex :caption: ``tabular2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:tabular2YAML` and :numref:`lst:tabular7YAML` :name: lst:tabular2-mod7 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tabular2-mod8.tex :caption: ``tabular2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:tabular2YAML` and :numref:`lst:tabular8YAML` :name: lst:tabular2-mod8 Notice in particular: - in both :numref:`lst:tabular2-default` and :numref:`lst:tabular2-mod2` all rows have been aligned at the ampersand, even those that do not contain the maximum number of ampersands (3 ampersands, in this case); - in :numref:`lst:tabular2-default` the columns have been aligned at the ampersand; - in :numref:`lst:tabular2-mod2` the ``\multicolumn`` command has grouped the :math:`2` columns beneath *and* above it, because ``multiColumnGrouping`` is set to :math:`1` in :numref:`lst:tabular2YAML`; - in :numref:`lst:tabular2-mod3` rows 3 and 6 have *not* been aligned at the ampersand, because ``alignRowsWithoutMaxDelims`` has been to set to :math:`0` in :numref:`lst:tabular3YAML`; however, the ``\\`` *have* still been aligned; - in :numref:`lst:tabular2-mod4` the columns beneath and above the ``\multicolumn`` commands have been grouped (because ``multiColumnGrouping`` is set to :math:`1`), and there are at least :math:`4` spaces *before* each aligned ampersand because ``spacesBeforeAmpersand`` is set to :math:`4`; - in :numref:`lst:tabular2-mod5` the columns beneath and above the ``\multicolumn`` commands have been grouped (because ``multiColumnGrouping`` is set to :math:`1`), and there are at least :math:`4` spaces *after* each aligned ampersand because ``spacesAfterAmpersand`` is set to :math:`4`; - in :numref:`lst:tabular2-mod6` the ``\\`` have *not* been aligned, because ``alignDoubleBackSlash`` is set to ``0``, otherwise the output is the same as :numref:`lst:tabular2-mod2`; - in :numref:`lst:tabular2-mod7` the ``\\`` *have* been aligned, and because ``spacesBeforeDoubleBackSlash`` is set to ``0``, there are no spaces ahead of them; the output is otherwise the same as :numref:`lst:tabular2-mod2`. - in :numref:`lst:tabular2-mod8` the cells have been *right*-justified; note that cells above and below the ``\multicol`` statements have still been group correctly, because of the settings in :numref:`lst:tabular2YAML`. As of Version 3.0, the alignment routine works on mandatory and optional arguments within commands, and also within ‘special’ code blocks (see ``specialBeginEnd`` on ); for example, assuming that you have a command called ``\matrix`` and that it is populated within ``lookForAlignDelims`` (which it is, by default), and that you run the command :: latexindent.pl matrix1.tex then the before-and-after results shown in :numref:`lst:matrixbefore` and :numref:`lst:matrixafter` are achievable by default. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/matrix1.tex :caption: ``matrix1.tex`` :name: lst:matrixbefore .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/matrix1-default.tex :caption: ``matrix1.tex`` default output :name: lst:matrixafter If you have blocks of code that you wish to align at the & character that are *not* wrapped in, for example, ``\begin{tabular}`` …\ ``\end{tabular}``, then you can use the mark up illustrated in :numref:`lst:alignmentmarkup`; the default output is shown in :numref:`lst:alignmentmarkup-default`. Note that the ``%*`` must be next to each other, but that there can be any number of spaces (possibly none) between the ``*`` and ``\begin{tabular}``; note also that you may use any environment name that you have specified in ``lookForAlignDelims``. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/align-block.tex :caption: ``align-block.tex`` :name: lst:alignmentmarkup .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/align-block-default.tex :caption: ``align-block.tex`` default output :name: lst:alignmentmarkup-default With reference to :numref:`tab:code-blocks` and the, yet undiscussed, fields of ``noAdditionalIndent`` and ``indentRules`` (see :numref:`sec:noadd-indent-rules`), these comment-marked blocks are considered ``environments``. ``indentAfterItems``: *fields* .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``indentAfterItems`` :name: lst:indentafteritems :lines: 183-187 :linenos: :lineno-start: 183 The environment names specified in ``indentAfterItems`` tell ``latexindent.pl`` to look for ``\item`` commands; if these switches are set to ``1`` then indentation will be performed so as indent the code after each ``item``. A demonstration is given in :numref:`lst:itemsbefore` and :numref:`lst:itemsafter` .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/items1.tex :caption: ``items1.tex`` :name: lst:itemsbefore .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/items1-default.tex :caption: ``items1.tex`` default output :name: lst:itemsafter ``itemNames``: *fields* .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``itemNames`` :name: lst:itemNames :lines: 193-195 :linenos: :lineno-start: 193 | If you have your own ``item`` commands (perhaps you prefer to use ``myitem``, for example) then you can put populate them in ``itemNames``. For example, users of the ``exam`` document class might like to add ``parts`` to ``indentAfterItems`` and ``part`` to ``itemNames`` to their user settings (see :numref:`sec:indentconfig` for details of how to configure user settings, and :numref:`lst:mysettings` | in particular .. label follows .. _page:examsettings: .) ``specialBeginEnd``: *fields* .. label follows .. _yaml:specialBeginEnd: The fields specified \*specialBeginEnd in ``specialBeginEnd`` are, in their default state, focused on math mode begin and end statements, but there is no requirement for this to be the case; :numref:`lst:specialBeginEnd` shows the default settings of ``specialBeginEnd``. .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``specialBeginEnd`` :name: lst:specialBeginEnd :lines: 199-212 :linenos: :lineno-start: 199 The field ``displayMath`` represents ``\[...\]``, ``inlineMath`` represents ``$...$`` and ``displayMathTex`` represents ``$$...$$``. You can, of course, rename these in your own YAML files (see :numref:`sec:localsettings`); indeed, you might like to set up your own special begin and end statements. A demonstration of the before-and-after results are shown in :numref:`lst:specialbefore` and :numref:`lst:specialafter`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/special1.tex :caption: ``special1.tex`` before :name: lst:specialbefore .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/special1-default.tex :caption: ``special1.tex`` default output :name: lst:specialafter For each field, ``lookForThis`` is set to ``1`` by default, which means that ``latexindent.pl`` will look for this pattern; you can tell ``latexindent.pl`` not to look for the pattern, by setting ``lookForThis`` to ``0``. There are examples in which it is advantageous to search for ``specialBeginEnd`` fields *before* searching for commands, and the ``specialBeforeCommand`` switch controls this behaviour. For example, consider the file shown in :numref:`lst:specialLRbefore`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/specialLR.tex :caption: ``specialLR.tex`` :name: lst:specialLRbefore Now consider the YAML files shown in :numref:`lst:specialsLeftRight-yaml` and :numref:`lst:specialBeforeCommand-yaml` .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/specialsLeftRight.yaml :caption: ``specialsLeftRight.yaml`` :name: lst:specialsLeftRight-yaml .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/specialBeforeCommand.yaml :caption: ``specialBeforeCommand.yaml`` :name: lst:specialBeforeCommand-yaml Upon running the following commands :: latexindent.pl specialLR.tex -l=specialsLeftRight.yaml latexindent.pl specialLR.tex -l=specialsLeftRight.yaml,specialBeforeCommand.yaml we receive the respective outputs in :numref:`lst:specialLR-comm-first-tex` and :numref:`lst:specialLR-special-first-tex`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/specialLR-comm-first.tex :caption: ``specialLR.tex`` using :numref:`lst:specialsLeftRight-yaml` :name: lst:specialLR-comm-first-tex .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/specialLR-special-first.tex :caption: ``specialLR.tex`` using :numref:`lst:specialsLeftRight-yaml` and :numref:`lst:specialBeforeCommand-yaml` :name: lst:specialLR-special-first-tex Notice that in: - :numref:`lst:specialLR-comm-first-tex` the ``\left`` has been treated as a *command*, with one optional argument; - :numref:`lst:specialLR-special-first-tex` the ``specialBeginEnd`` pattern in :numref:`lst:specialsLeftRight-yaml` has been obeyed because :numref:`lst:specialBeforeCommand-yaml` specifies that the ``specialBeginEnd`` should be sought *before* commands. ``indentAfterHeadings``: *fields* .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``indentAfterHeadings`` :name: lst:indentAfterHeadings :lines: 222-231 :linenos: :lineno-start: 222 This field enables the user to specify indentation rules that take effect after heading commands such as ``\part``, ``\chapter``, ``\section``, ``\subsection*``, or indeed any user-specified command written in this field. [3]_ | The default settings do *not* place indentation after a heading, but you can easily switch them on by changing | ``indentAfterThisHeading: 0`` to | ``indentAfterThisHeading: 1``. The ``level`` field tells ``latexindent.pl`` the hierarchy of the heading structure in your document. You might, for example, like to have both ``section`` and ``subsection`` set with ``level: 3`` because you do not want the indentation to go too deep. You can add any of your own custom heading commands to this field, specifying the ``level`` as appropriate. You can also specify your own indentation in ``indentRules`` (see :numref:`sec:noadd-indent-rules`); you will find the default ``indentRules`` contains ``chapter: " "`` which tells ``latexindent.pl`` simply to use a space character after headings (once ``indent`` is set to ``1`` for ``chapter``). For example, assuming that you have the code in :numref:`lst:headings1yaml` saved into ``headings1.yaml``, and that you have the text from :numref:`lst:headings1` saved into ``headings1.tex``. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings1.yaml :caption: ``headings1.yaml`` :name: lst:headings1yaml .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings1.tex :caption: ``headings1.tex`` :name: lst:headings1 If you run the command :: latexindent.pl headings1.tex -l=headings1.yaml then you should receive the output given in :numref:`lst:headings1-mod1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings1-mod1.tex :caption: ``headings1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:headings1yaml` :name: lst:headings1-mod1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings1-mod2.tex :caption: ``headings1.tex`` second modification :name: lst:headings1-mod2 Now say that you modify the ``YAML`` from :numref:`lst:headings1yaml` so that the ``paragraph`` ``level`` is ``1``; after running :: latexindent.pl headings1.tex -l=headings1.yaml you should receive the code given in :numref:`lst:headings1-mod2`; notice that the ``paragraph`` and ``subsection`` are at the same indentation level. ``maximumIndentation``: *horizontal space* You can control the maximum indentation given to your file by specifying the ``maximumIndentation`` field as horizontal space (but *not* including tabs). This feature uses the ``Text::Tabs`` module (“Text:Tabs Perl Module” 2017), and is *off* by default. For example, consider the example shown in :numref:`lst:mult-nested` together with the default output shown in :numref:`lst:mult-nested-default`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mult-nested.tex :caption: ``mult-nested.tex`` :name: lst:mult-nested .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mult-nested-default.tex :caption: ``mult-nested.tex`` default output :name: lst:mult-nested-default Now say that, for example, you have the ``max-indentation1.yaml`` from :numref:`lst:max-indentation1yaml` and that you run the following command: :: latexindent.pl mult-nested.tex -l=max-indentation1 You should receive the output shown in :numref:`lst:mult-nested-max-ind1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/max-indentation1.yaml :caption: ``max-indentation1.yaml`` :name: lst:max-indentation1yaml .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mult-nested-max-ind1.tex :caption: ``mult-nested.tex`` using :numref:`lst:max-indentation1yaml` :name: lst:mult-nested-max-ind1 Comparing the output in :numref:`lst:mult-nested-default` and :numref:`lst:mult-nested-max-ind1` we notice that the (default) tabs of indentation have been replaced by a single space. In general, when using the ``maximumIndentation`` feature, any leading tabs will be replaced by equivalent spaces except, of course, those found in ``verbatimEnvironments`` (see :numref:`lst:verbatimEnvironments`) or ``noIndentBlock`` (see :numref:`lst:noIndentBlock`). .. label follows .. _subsubsec:code-blocks: The code blocks known ``latexindent.pl`` ---------------------------------------- As of Version 3.0, ``latexindent.pl`` processes documents using code blocks; each of these are shown in :numref:`tab:code-blocks`. .. label follows .. _tab:code-blocks: .. table:: Code blocks known to ``latexindent.pl`` +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Code block | characters allowed in name | example | +=================================+======================================================================================+=======================================================================================+ | environments | ``a-zA-Z@\*0-9_\\`` | ``\begin{myenv}body of myenv\end{myenv}`` | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | optionalArguments | *inherits* name from parent (e.g environment name) | ``[opt arg text]`` | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mandatoryArguments | *inherits* name from parent (e.g environment name) | ``{mand arg text}`` | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | commands | ``+a-zA-Z@\*0-9_\:`` | ``\mycommand``\ | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets | ``a-zA-Z@\*0-9_\/.\h\{\}:\#-`` | ``my key/.style=``\ | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | namedGroupingBracesBrackets | ``a-zA-Z@\*><`` | ``in``\ | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets | *No name!* | ``{`` or ``[`` or ``,`` or ``&`` or ``)`` or ``(`` or ``$`` followed by | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ifElseFi | ``@a-zA-Z`` but must begin with either ``\if`` of ``\@if`` | ``\ifnum......\else...\fi`` | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | items | User specified, see :numref:`lst:indentafteritems` and :numref:`lst:itemNames` | ``\begin{enumerate} \item ...\end{enumerate}`` | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | specialBeginEnd | User specified, see :numref:`lst:specialBeginEnd` | ``\[ ...\]`` | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | afterHeading | User specified, see :numref:`lst:indentAfterHeadings` | ``\chapter{title} ...\section{title}`` | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | filecontents | User specified, see :numref:`lst:fileContentsEnvironments` | ``\begin{filecontents}...\end{filecontents}`` | +---------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ We will refer to these code blocks in what follows. .. label follows .. _sec:noadd-indent-rules: ``noAdditionalIndent`` and ``indentRules`` ------------------------------------------ ``latexindent.pl`` operates on files by looking for code blocks, as detailed in :numref:`subsubsec:code-blocks`; for each type of code block in :numref:`tab:code-blocks` (which we will call a ** in what follows) it searches YAML fields for information in the following order: #. ``noAdditionalIndent`` for the *name* of the current **; #. ``indentRules`` for the *name* of the current **; #. ``noAdditionalIndentGlobal`` for the *type* of the current **; #. ``indentRulesGlobal`` for the *type* of the current **. Using the above list, the first piece of information to be found will be used; failing that, the value of ``defaultIndent`` is used. If information is found in multiple fields, the first one according to the list above will be used; for example, if information is present in both ``indentRules`` and in ``noAdditionalIndentGlobal``, then the information from ``indentRules`` takes priority. We now present details for the different type of code blocks known to ``latexindent.pl``, as detailed in :numref:`tab:code-blocks`; for reference, there follows a list of the code blocks covered. .. label follows .. _subsubsec:env-and-their-args: Environments and their arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are a few different YAML switches governing the indentation of environments; let’s start with the code shown in :numref:`lst:myenvtex`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-simple.tex :caption: ``myenv.tex`` :name: lst:myenvtex ``noAdditionalIndent``: *fields* If we do not wish ``myenv`` to receive any additional indentation, we have a few choices available to us, as demonstrated in :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd1` and :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd2`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenv-noAdd1.yaml :caption: ``myenv-noAdd1.yaml`` :name: lst:myenv-noAdd1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenv-noAdd2.yaml :caption: ``myenv-noAdd2.yaml`` :name: lst:myenv-noAdd2 On applying either of the following commands, :: latexindent.pl myenv.tex -l myenv-noAdd1.yaml latexindent.pl myenv.tex -l myenv-noAdd2.yaml we obtain the output given in :numref:`lst:myenv-output`; note in particular that the environment ``myenv`` has not received any *additional* indentation, but that the ``outer`` environment *has* still received indentation. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-simple-noAdd-body1.tex :caption: ``myenv.tex`` output (using either :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd1` or :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd2`) :name: lst:myenv-output Upon changing the YAML files to those shown in :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd3` and :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd4`, and running either :: latexindent.pl myenv.tex -l myenv-noAdd3.yaml latexindent.pl myenv.tex -l myenv-noAdd4.yaml we obtain the output given in :numref:`lst:myenv-output-4`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenv-noAdd3.yaml :caption: ``myenv-noAdd3.yaml`` :name: lst:myenv-noAdd3 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenv-noAdd4.yaml :caption: ``myenv-noAdd4.yaml`` :name: lst:myenv-noAdd4 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-simple-noAdd-body4.tex :caption: ``myenv.tex output`` (using either :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd3` or :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd4`) :name: lst:myenv-output-4 Let’s now allow ``myenv`` to have some optional and mandatory arguments, as in :numref:`lst:myenv-args`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` :name: lst:myenv-args Upon running :: latexindent.pl -l=myenv-noAdd1.yaml myenv-args.tex we obtain the output shown in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-noAdd1`; note that the optional argument, mandatory argument and body *all* have received no additional indent. This is because, when ``noAdditionalIndent`` is specified in ‘scalar’ form (as in :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd1`), then *all* parts of the environment (body, optional and mandatory arguments) are assumed to want no additional indent. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args-noAdd-body1.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` using :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd1` :name: lst:myenv-args-noAdd1 We may customise ``noAdditionalIndent`` for optional and mandatory arguments of the ``myenv`` environment, as shown in, for example, :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd5` and :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd6`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenv-noAdd5.yaml :caption: ``myenv-noAdd5.yaml`` :name: lst:myenv-noAdd5 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenv-noAdd6.yaml :caption: ``myenv-noAdd6.yaml`` :name: lst:myenv-noAdd6 Upon running :: latexindent.pl myenv.tex -l myenv-noAdd5.yaml latexindent.pl myenv.tex -l myenv-noAdd6.yaml we obtain the respective outputs given in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-noAdd5` and :numref:`lst:myenv-args-noAdd6`. Note that in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-noAdd5` the text for the *optional* argument has not received any additional indentation, and that in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-noAdd6` the *mandatory* argument has not received any additional indentation; in both cases, the *body* has not received any additional indentation. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args-noAdd5.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` using :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd5` :name: lst:myenv-args-noAdd5 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args-noAdd6.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` using :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd6` :name: lst:myenv-args-noAdd6 ``indentRules``: *fields* We may also specify indentation rules for environment code blocks using the ``indentRules`` field; see, for example, :numref:`lst:myenv-rules1` and :numref:`lst:myenv-rules2`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenv-rules1.yaml :caption: ``myenv-rules1.yaml`` :name: lst:myenv-rules1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenv-rules2.yaml :caption: ``myenv-rules2.yaml`` :name: lst:myenv-rules2 On applying either of the following commands, :: latexindent.pl myenv.tex -l myenv-rules1.yaml latexindent.pl myenv.tex -l myenv-rules2.yaml we obtain the output given in :numref:`lst:myenv-rules-output`; note in particular that the environment ``myenv`` has received one tab (from the ``outer`` environment) plus three spaces from :numref:`lst:myenv-rules1` or :numref:`lst:myenv-rules2`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenv-rules1.tex :caption: ``myenv.tex`` output (using either :numref:`lst:myenv-rules1` or :numref:`lst:myenv-rules2`) :name: lst:myenv-rules-output If you specify a field in ``indentRules`` using anything other than horizontal space, it will be ignored. Returning to the example in :numref:`lst:myenv-args` that contains optional and mandatory arguments. Upon using :numref:`lst:myenv-rules1` as in :: latexindent.pl myenv-args.tex -l=myenv-rules1.yaml we obtain the output in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-rules1`; note that the body, optional argument and mandatory argument of ``myenv`` have *all* received the same customised indentation. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args-rules1.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` using :numref:`lst:myenv-rules1` :name: lst:myenv-args-rules1 You can specify different indentation rules for the different features using, for example, :numref:`lst:myenv-rules3` and :numref:`lst:myenv-rules4` .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenv-rules3.yaml :caption: ``myenv-rules3.yaml`` :name: lst:myenv-rules3 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenv-rules4.yaml :caption: ``myenv-rules4.yaml`` :name: lst:myenv-rules4 After running :: latexindent.pl myenv-args.tex -l myenv-rules3.yaml latexindent.pl myenv-args.tex -l myenv-rules4.yaml then we obtain the respective outputs given in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-rules3` and :numref:`lst:myenv-args-rules4`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args-rules3.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` using :numref:`lst:myenv-rules3` :name: lst:myenv-args-rules3 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args-rules4.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` using :numref:`lst:myenv-rules4` :name: lst:myenv-args-rules4 Note that in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-rules3`, the optional argument has only received a single space of indentation, while the mandatory argument has received the default (tab) indentation; the environment body has received three spaces of indentation. In :numref:`lst:myenv-args-rules4`, the optional argument has received the default (tab) indentation, the mandatory argument has received two tabs of indentation, and the body has received three spaces of indentation. ``noAdditionalIndentGlobal``: *fields* .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``noAdditionalIndentGlobal`` :name: lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal:environments :lines: 280-281 :linenos: :lineno-start: 280 Assuming that your environment name is not found within neither ``noAdditionalIndent`` nor ``indentRules``, the next place that ``latexindent.pl`` will look is ``noAdditionalIndentGlobal``, and in particular *for the environments* key (see :numref:`lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal:environments`). Let’s say that you change the value of ``environments`` to ``1`` in :numref:`lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal:environments`, and that you run :: latexindent.pl myenv-args.tex -l env-noAdditionalGlobal.yaml latexindent.pl myenv-args.tex -l myenv-rules1.yaml,env-noAdditionalGlobal.yaml The respective output from these two commands are in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-no-add-global1` and :numref:`lst:myenv-args-no-add-global2`; in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-no-add-global1` notice that *both* environments receive no additional indentation but that the arguments of ``myenv`` still *do* receive indentation. In :numref:`lst:myenv-args-no-add-global2` notice that the *outer* environment does not receive additional indentation, but because of the settings from ``myenv-rules1.yaml`` (in :numref:`lst:myenv-rules1`), the ``myenv`` environment still *does* receive indentation. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args-rules1-noAddGlobal1.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` using :numref:`lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal:environments` :name: lst:myenv-args-no-add-global1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args-rules1-noAddGlobal2.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` using :numref:`lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal:environments` and :numref:`lst:myenv-rules1` :name: lst:myenv-args-no-add-global2 In fact, ``noAdditionalIndentGlobal`` also contains keys that control the indentation of optional and mandatory arguments; on referencing :numref:`lst:opt-args-no-add-glob` and :numref:`lst:mand-args-no-add-glob` .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/opt-args-no-add-glob.yaml :caption: ``opt-args-no-add-glob.yaml`` :name: lst:opt-args-no-add-glob .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mand-args-no-add-glob.yaml :caption: ``mand-args-no-add-glob.yaml`` :name: lst:mand-args-no-add-glob we may run the commands :: latexindent.pl myenv-args.tex -local opt-args-no-add-glob.yaml latexindent.pl myenv-args.tex -local mand-args-no-add-glob.yaml which produces the respective outputs given in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-no-add-opt` and :numref:`lst:myenv-args-no-add-mand`. Notice that in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-no-add-opt` the *optional* argument has not received any additional indentation, and in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-no-add-mand` the *mandatory* argument has not received any additional indentation. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args-rules1-noAddGlobal3.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` using :numref:`lst:opt-args-no-add-glob` :name: lst:myenv-args-no-add-opt .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args-rules1-noAddGlobal4.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` using :numref:`lst:mand-args-no-add-glob` :name: lst:myenv-args-no-add-mand ``indentRulesGlobal``: *fields* .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``indentRulesGlobal`` :name: lst:indentRulesGlobal:environments :lines: 296-297 :linenos: :lineno-start: 296 The final check that ``latexindent.pl`` will make is to look for ``indentRulesGlobal`` as detailed in :numref:`lst:indentRulesGlobal:environments`; if you change the ``environments`` field to anything involving horizontal space, say ``" "``, and then run the following commands :: latexindent.pl myenv-args.tex -l env-indentRules.yaml latexindent.pl myenv-args.tex -l myenv-rules1.yaml,env-indentRules.yaml then the respective output is shown in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global1` and :numref:`lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global2`. Note that in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global1`, both the environment blocks have received a single-space indentation, whereas in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global2` the ``outer`` environment has received single-space indentation (specified by ``indentRulesGlobal``), but ``myenv`` has received ``" "``, as specified by the particular ``indentRules`` for ``myenv`` :numref:`lst:myenv-rules1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args-global-rules1.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` using :numref:`lst:indentRulesGlobal:environments` :name: lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args-global-rules2.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` using :numref:`lst:myenv-rules1` and :numref:`lst:indentRulesGlobal:environments` :name: lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global2 You can specify ``indentRulesGlobal`` for both optional and mandatory arguments, as detailed in :numref:`lst:opt-args-indent-rules-glob` and :numref:`lst:mand-args-indent-rules-glob` .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/opt-args-indent-rules-glob.yaml :caption: ``opt-args-indent-rules-glob.yaml`` :name: lst:opt-args-indent-rules-glob .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mand-args-indent-rules-glob.yaml :caption: ``mand-args-indent-rules-glob.yaml`` :name: lst:mand-args-indent-rules-glob Upon running the following commands :: latexindent.pl myenv-args.tex -local opt-args-indent-rules-glob.yaml latexindent.pl myenv-args.tex -local mand-args-indent-rules-glob.yaml we obtain the respective outputs in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global3` and :numref:`lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global4`. Note that the *optional* argument in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global3` has received two tabs worth of indentation, while the *mandatory* argument has done so in :numref:`lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global4`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args-global-rules3.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` using :numref:`lst:opt-args-indent-rules-glob` :name: lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global3 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/myenvironment-args-global-rules4.tex :caption: ``myenv-args.tex`` using :numref:`lst:mand-args-indent-rules-glob` :name: lst:myenv-args-indent-rules-global4 Environments with items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With reference to :numref:`lst:indentafteritems` and :numref:`lst:itemNames`, some commands may contain ``item`` commands; for the purposes of this discussion, we will use the code from :numref:`lst:itemsbefore`. Assuming that you’ve populated ``itemNames`` with the name of your ``item``, you can put the item name into ``noAdditionalIndent`` as in :numref:`lst:item-noAdd1`, although a more efficient approach may be to change the relevant field in ``itemNames`` to ``0``. Similarly, you can customise the indentation that your ``item`` receives using ``indentRules``, as in :numref:`lst:item-rules1` .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/item-noAdd1.yaml :caption: ``item-noAdd1.yaml`` :name: lst:item-noAdd1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/item-rules1.yaml :caption: ``item-rules1.yaml`` :name: lst:item-rules1 Upon running the following commands :: latexindent.pl items1.tex -local item-noAdd1.yaml latexindent.pl items1.tex -local item-rules1.yaml the respective outputs are given in :numref:`lst:items1-noAdd1` and :numref:`lst:items1-rules1`; note that in :numref:`lst:items1-noAdd1` that the text after each ``item`` has not received any additional indentation, and in :numref:`lst:items1-rules1`, the text after each ``item`` has received a single space of indentation, specified by :numref:`lst:item-rules1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/items1-noAdd1.tex :caption: ``items1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:item-noAdd1` :name: lst:items1-noAdd1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/items1-rules1.tex :caption: ``items1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:item-rules1` :name: lst:items1-rules1 Alternatively, you might like to populate ``noAdditionalIndentGlobal`` or ``indentRulesGlobal`` using the ``items`` key, as demonstrated in :numref:`lst:items-noAdditionalGlobal` and :numref:`lst:items-indentRulesGlobal`. Note that there is a need to ‘reset/remove’ the ``item`` field from ``indentRules`` in both cases (see the hierarchy description given on ) as the ``item`` command is a member of ``indentRules`` by default. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/items-noAdditionalGlobal.yaml :caption: ``items-noAdditionalGlobal.yaml`` :name: lst:items-noAdditionalGlobal .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/items-indentRulesGlobal.yaml :caption: ``items-indentRulesGlobal.yaml`` :name: lst:items-indentRulesGlobal Upon running the following commands, :: latexindent.pl items1.tex -local items-noAdditionalGlobal.yaml latexindent.pl items1.tex -local items-indentRulesGlobal.yaml the respective outputs from :numref:`lst:items1-noAdd1` and :numref:`lst:items1-rules1` are obtained; note, however, that *all* such ``item`` commands without their own individual ``noAdditionalIndent`` or ``indentRules`` settings would behave as in these listings. .. label follows .. _subsubsec:commands-arguments: Commands with arguments ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let’s begin with the simple example in :numref:`lst:mycommand`; when ``latexindent.pl`` operates on this file, the default output is shown in :numref:`lst:mycommand-default`. [4]_ .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand.tex :caption: ``mycommand.tex`` :name: lst:mycommand .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand-default.tex :caption: ``mycommand.tex`` default output :name: lst:mycommand-default As in the environment-based case (see :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd1` and :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd2`) we may specify ``noAdditionalIndent`` either in ‘scalar’ form, or in ‘field’ form, as shown in :numref:`lst:mycommand-noAdd1` and :numref:`lst:mycommand-noAdd2` .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd1.yaml :caption: ``mycommand-noAdd1.yaml`` :name: lst:mycommand-noAdd1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd2.yaml :caption: ``mycommand-noAdd2.yaml`` :name: lst:mycommand-noAdd2 After running the following commands, :: latexindent.pl mycommand.tex -l mycommand-noAdd1.yaml latexindent.pl mycommand.tex -l mycommand-noAdd2.yaml we receive the respective output given in :numref:`lst:mycommand-output-noAdd1` and :numref:`lst:mycommand-output-noAdd2` .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd1.tex :caption: ``mycommand.tex`` using :numref:`lst:mycommand-noAdd1` :name: lst:mycommand-output-noAdd1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd2.tex :caption: ``mycommand.tex`` using :numref:`lst:mycommand-noAdd2` :name: lst:mycommand-output-noAdd2 Note that in :numref:`lst:mycommand-output-noAdd1` that the ‘body’, optional argument *and* mandatory argument have *all* received no additional indentation, while in :numref:`lst:mycommand-output-noAdd2`, only the ‘body’ has not received any additional indentation. We define the ‘body’ of a command as any lines following the command name that include its optional or mandatory arguments. We may further customise ``noAdditionalIndent`` for ``mycommand`` as we did in :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd5` and :numref:`lst:myenv-noAdd6`; explicit examples are given in :numref:`lst:mycommand-noAdd3` and :numref:`lst:mycommand-noAdd4`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd3.yaml :caption: ``mycommand-noAdd3.yaml`` :name: lst:mycommand-noAdd3 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd4.yaml :caption: ``mycommand-noAdd4.yaml`` :name: lst:mycommand-noAdd4 After running the following commands, :: latexindent.pl mycommand.tex -l mycommand-noAdd3.yaml latexindent.pl mycommand.tex -l mycommand-noAdd4.yaml we receive the respective output given in :numref:`lst:mycommand-output-noAdd3` and :numref:`lst:mycommand-output-noAdd4`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd3.tex :caption: ``mycommand.tex`` using :numref:`lst:mycommand-noAdd3` :name: lst:mycommand-output-noAdd3 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd4.tex :caption: ``mycommand.tex`` using :numref:`lst:mycommand-noAdd4` :name: lst:mycommand-output-noAdd4 Attentive readers will note that the body of ``mycommand`` in both :numref:`lst:mycommand-output-noAdd3` and :numref:`lst:mycommand-output-noAdd4` has received no additional indent, even though ``body`` is explicitly set to ``0`` in both :numref:`lst:mycommand-noAdd3` and :numref:`lst:mycommand-noAdd4`. This is because, by default, ``noAdditionalIndentGlobal`` for ``commands`` is set to ``1`` by default; this can be easily fixed as in :numref:`lst:mycommand-noAdd5` and :numref:`lst:mycommand-noAdd6`. .. label follows .. _page:command:noAddGlobal: .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd5.yaml :caption: ``mycommand-noAdd5.yaml`` :name: lst:mycommand-noAdd5 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd6.yaml :caption: ``mycommand-noAdd6.yaml`` :name: lst:mycommand-noAdd6 After running the following commands, :: latexindent.pl mycommand.tex -l mycommand-noAdd5.yaml latexindent.pl mycommand.tex -l mycommand-noAdd6.yaml we receive the respective output given in :numref:`lst:mycommand-output-noAdd5` and :numref:`lst:mycommand-output-noAdd6`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd5.tex :caption: ``mycommand.tex`` using :numref:`lst:mycommand-noAdd5` :name: lst:mycommand-output-noAdd5 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/mycommand-noAdd6.tex :caption: ``mycommand.tex`` using :numref:`lst:mycommand-noAdd6` :name: lst:mycommand-output-noAdd6 Both ``indentRules`` and ``indentRulesGlobal`` can be adjusted as they were for *environment* code blocks, as in :numref:`lst:myenv-rules3` and :numref:`lst:myenv-rules4` and :numref:`lst:indentRulesGlobal:environments` and :numref:`lst:opt-args-indent-rules-glob` and :numref:`lst:mand-args-indent-rules-glob`. ifelsefi code blocks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let’s use the simple example shown in :numref:`lst:ifelsefi1`; when ``latexindent.pl`` operates on this file, the output as in :numref:`lst:ifelsefi1-default`; note that the body of each of the ``\if`` statements have been indented, and that the ``\else`` statement has been accounted for correctly. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/ifelsefi1.tex :caption: ``ifelsefi1.tex`` :name: lst:ifelsefi1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/ifelsefi1-default.tex :caption: ``ifelsefi1.tex`` default output :name: lst:ifelsefi1-default It is recommended to specify ``noAdditionalIndent`` and ``indentRules`` in the ‘scalar’ form only for these type of code blocks, although the ‘field’ form would work, assuming that ``body`` was specified. Examples are shown in :numref:`lst:ifnum-noAdd` and :numref:`lst:ifnum-indent-rules`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/ifnum-noAdd.yaml :caption: ``ifnum-noAdd.yaml`` :name: lst:ifnum-noAdd .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/ifnum-indent-rules.yaml :caption: ``ifnum-indent-rules.yaml`` :name: lst:ifnum-indent-rules After running the following commands, :: latexindent.pl ifelsefi1.tex -local ifnum-noAdd.yaml latexindent.pl ifelsefi1.tex -l ifnum-indent-rules.yaml we receive the respective output given in :numref:`lst:ifelsefi1-output-noAdd` and :numref:`lst:ifelsefi1-output-indent-rules`; note that in :numref:`lst:ifelsefi1-output-noAdd`, the ``ifnum`` code block has *not* received any additional indentation, while in :numref:`lst:ifelsefi1-output-indent-rules`, the ``ifnum`` code block has received one tab and two spaces of indentation. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/ifelsefi1-noAdd.tex :caption: ``ifelsefi1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:ifnum-noAdd` :name: lst:ifelsefi1-output-noAdd .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/ifelsefi1-indent-rules.tex :caption: ``ifelsefi1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:ifnum-indent-rules` :name: lst:ifelsefi1-output-indent-rules We may specify ``noAdditionalIndentGlobal`` and ``indentRulesGlobal`` as in :numref:`lst:ifelsefi-noAdd-glob` and :numref:`lst:ifelsefi-indent-rules-global`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/ifelsefi-noAdd-glob.yaml :caption: ``ifelsefi-noAdd-glob.yaml`` :name: lst:ifelsefi-noAdd-glob .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/ifelsefi-indent-rules-global.yaml :caption: ``ifelsefi-indent-rules-global.yaml`` :name: lst:ifelsefi-indent-rules-global Upon running the following commands :: latexindent.pl ifelsefi1.tex -local ifelsefi-noAdd-glob.yaml latexindent.pl ifelsefi1.tex -l ifelsefi-indent-rules-global.yaml we receive the outputs in :numref:`lst:ifelsefi1-output-noAdd-glob` and :numref:`lst:ifelsefi1-output-indent-rules-global`; notice that in :numref:`lst:ifelsefi1-output-noAdd-glob` neither of the ``ifelsefi`` code blocks have received indentation, while in :numref:`lst:ifelsefi1-output-indent-rules-global` both code blocks have received a single space of indentation. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/ifelsefi1-noAdd-glob.tex :caption: ``ifelsefi1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:ifelsefi-noAdd-glob` :name: lst:ifelsefi1-output-noAdd-glob .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/ifelsefi1-indent-rules-global.tex :caption: ``ifelsefi1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:ifelsefi-indent-rules-global` :name: lst:ifelsefi1-output-indent-rules-global ``specialBeginEnd`` code blocks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let’s use the example from :numref:`lst:specialbefore` which has default output shown in :numref:`lst:specialafter`. It is recommended to specify ``noAdditionalIndent`` and ``indentRules`` in the ‘scalar’ form for these type of code blocks, although the ‘field’ form would work, assuming that ``body`` was specified. Examples are shown in :numref:`lst:displayMath-noAdd` and :numref:`lst:displayMath-indent-rules`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/displayMath-noAdd.yaml :caption: ``displayMath-noAdd.yaml`` :name: lst:displayMath-noAdd .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/displayMath-indent-rules.yaml :caption: ``displayMath-indent-rules.yaml`` :name: lst:displayMath-indent-rules After running the following commands, :: latexindent.pl special1.tex -local displayMath-noAdd.yaml latexindent.pl special1.tex -l displayMath-indent-rules.yaml we receive the respective output given in :numref:`lst:special1-output-noAdd` and :numref:`lst:special1-output-indent-rules`; note that in :numref:`lst:special1-output-noAdd`, the ``displayMath`` code block has *not* received any additional indentation, while in :numref:`lst:special1-output-indent-rules`, the ``displayMath`` code block has received three tabs worth of indentation. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/special1-noAdd.tex :caption: ``special1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:displayMath-noAdd` :name: lst:special1-output-noAdd .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/special1-indent-rules.tex :caption: ``special1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:displayMath-indent-rules` :name: lst:special1-output-indent-rules We may specify ``noAdditionalIndentGlobal`` and ``indentRulesGlobal`` as in :numref:`lst:special-noAdd-glob` and :numref:`lst:special-indent-rules-global`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/special-noAdd-glob.yaml :caption: ``special-noAdd-glob.yaml`` :name: lst:special-noAdd-glob .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/special-indent-rules-global.yaml :caption: ``special-indent-rules-global.yaml`` :name: lst:special-indent-rules-global Upon running the following commands :: latexindent.pl special1.tex -local special-noAdd-glob.yaml latexindent.pl special1.tex -l special-indent-rules-global.yaml we receive the outputs in :numref:`lst:special1-output-noAdd-glob` and :numref:`lst:special1-output-indent-rules-global`; notice that in :numref:`lst:special1-output-noAdd-glob` neither of the ``special`` code blocks have received indentation, while in :numref:`lst:special1-output-indent-rules-global` both code blocks have received a single space of indentation. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/special1-noAdd-glob.tex :caption: ``special1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:special-noAdd-glob` :name: lst:special1-output-noAdd-glob .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/special1-indent-rules-global.tex :caption: ``special1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:special-indent-rules-global` :name: lst:special1-output-indent-rules-global .. label follows .. _subsubsec-headings-no-add-indent-rules: ``afterHeading`` code blocks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let’s use the example :numref:`lst:headings2` for demonstration throughout this . As discussed on , by default ``latexindent.pl`` will not add indentation after headings. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings2.tex :caption: ``headings2.tex`` :name: lst:headings2 On using the YAML file in :numref:`lst:headings3yaml` by running the command :: latexindent.pl headings2.tex -l headings3.yaml we obtain the output in :numref:`lst:headings2-mod3`. Note that the argument of ``paragraph`` has received (default) indentation, and that the body after the heading statement has received (default) indentation. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings2-mod3.tex :caption: ``headings2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:headings3yaml` :name: lst:headings2-mod3 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings3.yaml :caption: ``headings3.yaml`` :name: lst:headings3yaml If we specify ``noAdditionalIndent`` as in :numref:`lst:headings4yaml` and run the command :: latexindent.pl headings2.tex -l headings4.yaml then we receive the output in :numref:`lst:headings2-mod4`. Note that the arguments *and* the body after the heading of ``paragraph`` has received no additional indentation, because we have specified ``noAdditionalIndent`` in scalar form. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings2-mod4.tex :caption: ``headings2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:headings4yaml` :name: lst:headings2-mod4 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings4.yaml :caption: ``headings4.yaml`` :name: lst:headings4yaml Similarly, if we specify ``indentRules`` as in :numref:`lst:headings5yaml` and run analogous commands to those above, we receive the output in :numref:`lst:headings2-mod5`; note that the *body*, *mandatory argument* and content *after the heading* of ``paragraph`` have *all* received three tabs worth of indentation. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings2-mod5.tex :caption: ``headings2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:headings5yaml` :name: lst:headings2-mod5 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings5.yaml :caption: ``headings5.yaml`` :name: lst:headings5yaml We may, instead, specify ``noAdditionalIndent`` in ‘field’ form, as in :numref:`lst:headings6yaml` which gives the output in :numref:`lst:headings2-mod6`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings2-mod6.tex :caption: ``headings2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:headings6yaml` :name: lst:headings2-mod6 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings6.yaml :caption: ``headings6.yaml`` :name: lst:headings6yaml Analogously, we may specify ``indentRules`` as in :numref:`lst:headings7yaml` which gives the output in :numref:`lst:headings2-mod7`; note that mandatory argument text has only received a single space of indentation, while the body after the heading has received three tabs worth of indentation. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings2-mod7.tex :caption: ``headings2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:headings7yaml` :name: lst:headings2-mod7 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings7.yaml :caption: ``headings7.yaml`` :name: lst:headings7yaml Finally, let’s consider ``noAdditionalIndentGlobal`` and ``indentRulesGlobal`` shown in :numref:`lst:headings8yaml` and :numref:`lst:headings9yaml` respectively, with respective output in :numref:`lst:headings2-mod8` and :numref:`lst:headings2-mod9`. Note that in :numref:`lst:headings8yaml` the *mandatory argument* of ``paragraph`` has received a (default) tab’s worth of indentation, while the body after the heading has received *no additional indentation*. Similarly, in :numref:`lst:headings2-mod9`, the *argument* has received both a (default) tab plus two spaces of indentation (from the global rule specified in :numref:`lst:headings9yaml`), and the remaining body after ``paragraph`` has received just two spaces of indentation. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings2-mod8.tex :caption: ``headings2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:headings8yaml` :name: lst:headings2-mod8 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings8.yaml :caption: ``headings8.yaml`` :name: lst:headings8yaml .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings2-mod9.tex :caption: ``headings2.tex`` using :numref:`lst:headings9yaml` :name: lst:headings2-mod9 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/headings9.yaml :caption: ``headings9.yaml`` :name: lst:headings9yaml The remaining code blocks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Referencing the different types of code blocks in :numref:`tab:code-blocks`, we have a few code blocks yet to cover; these are very similar to the ``commands`` code block type covered comprehensively in :numref:`subsubsec:commands-arguments`, but a small discussion defining these remaining code blocks is necessary. ``keyEqualsValuesBracesBrackets`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``latexindent.pl`` defines this type of code block by the following criteria: - it must immediately follow either ``{`` OR ``[`` OR ``,`` with comments and blank lines allowed; - then it has a name made up of the characters detailed in :numref:`tab:code-blocks`; - then an :math:`=` symbol; - then at least one set of curly braces or square brackets (comments and line breaks allowed throughout). An example is shown in :numref:`lst:pgfkeysbefore`, with the default output given in :numref:`lst:pgfkeys1:default`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/pgfkeys1.tex :caption: ``pgfkeys1.tex`` :name: lst:pgfkeysbefore .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/pgfkeys1-default.tex :caption: ``pgfkeys1.tex`` default output :name: lst:pgfkeys1:default In :numref:`lst:pgfkeys1:default`, note that the maximum indentation is three tabs, and these come from: - the ``\pgfkeys`` command’s mandatory argument; - the ``start coordinate/.initial`` key’s mandatory argument; - the ``start coordinate/.initial`` key’s body, which is defined as any lines following the name of the key that include its arguments. This is the part controlled by the *body* field for ``noAdditionalIndent`` and friends from . ``namedGroupingBracesBrackets`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This type of code block is mostly motivated by tikz-based code; we define this code block as follows: - it must immediately follow either *horizontal space* OR *one or more line breaks* OR ``{`` OR ``[`` OR ``$`` OR ``)`` OR ``(``; - the name may contain the characters detailed in :numref:`tab:code-blocks`; - then at least one set of curly braces or square brackets (comments and line breaks allowed throughout). A simple example is given in :numref:`lst:child1`, with default output in :numref:`lst:child1:default`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/child1.tex :caption: ``child1.tex`` :name: lst:child1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/child1-default.tex :caption: ``child1.tex`` default output :name: lst:child1:default In particular, ``latexindent.pl`` considers ``child``, ``parent`` and ``node`` all to be ``namedGroupingBracesBrackets``\ [5]_. Referencing :numref:`lst:child1:default`, note that the maximum indentation is two tabs, and these come from: - the ``child``\ ’s mandatory argument; - the ``child``\ ’s body, which is defined as any lines following the name of the ``namedGroupingBracesBrackets`` that include its arguments. This is the part controlled by the *body* field for ``noAdditionalIndent`` and friends from . ``UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ occur in a variety of situations; specifically, we define this type of code block as satisfying the following criteria: - it must immediately follow either ``{`` OR ``[`` OR ``,`` OR ``&`` OR ``)`` OR ``(`` OR ``$``; - then at least one set of curly braces or square brackets (comments and line breaks allowed throughout). An example is shown in :numref:`lst:psforeach1` with default output give in :numref:`lst:psforeach:default`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/psforeach1.tex :caption: ``psforeach1.tex`` :name: lst:psforeach1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/psforeach1-default.tex :caption: ``psforeach1.tex`` default output :name: lst:psforeach:default Referencing :numref:`lst:psforeach:default`, there are *three* sets of unnamed braces. Note also that the maximum value of indentation is three tabs, and these come from: - the ``\psforeach`` command’s mandatory argument; - the *first* un-named braces mandatory argument; - the *first* un-named braces *body*, which we define as any lines following the first opening ``{`` or ``[`` that defined the code block. This is the part controlled by the *body* field for ``noAdditionalIndent`` and friends from . Users wishing to customise the mandatory and/or optional arguments on a *per-name* basis for the ``UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets`` should use ``always-un-named``. ``filecontents`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ code blocks behave just as ``environments``, except that neither arguments nor items are sought. Summary ~~~~~~~ Having considered all of the different types of code blocks, the functions of the fields given in :numref:`lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal` and :numref:`lst:indentRulesGlobal` should now make sense. .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``noAdditionalIndentGlobal`` :name: lst:noAdditionalIndentGlobal :lines: 280-292 :linenos: :lineno-start: 280 .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``indentRulesGlobal`` :name: lst:indentRulesGlobal :lines: 296-308 :linenos: :lineno-start: 296 .. label follows .. _subsec:commands-string-between: Commands and the strings between their arguments ------------------------------------------------ The ``command`` code blocks will always look for optional (square bracketed) and mandatory (curly braced) arguments which can contain comments, line breaks and ‘beamer’ commands ``<.*?>`` between them. There are switches that can allow them to contain other strings, which we discuss next. ``commandCodeBlocks``: *fields* The ``commandCodeBlocks`` field \*commandCodeBlocks contains a few switches detailed in :numref:`lst:commandCodeBlocks`. .. literalinclude:: ../defaultSettings.yaml :caption: ``commandCodeBlocks`` :name: lst:commandCodeBlocks :lines: 311-321 :linenos: :lineno-start: 311 ``roundParenthesesAllowed``: *0\|1* The need for this field was mostly motivated by commands found in code used to generate images in ``PSTricks`` and ``tikz``; for example, let’s consider the code given in :numref:`lst:pstricks1`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/pstricks1.tex :caption: ``pstricks1.tex`` :name: lst:pstricks1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/pstricks1-default.tex :caption: ``pstricks1`` default output :name: lst:pstricks1-default Notice that the ``\defFunction`` command has an optional argument, followed by a mandatory argument, followed by a round-parenthesis argument, :math:`(u,v)`. By default, because ``roundParenthesesAllowed`` is set to :math:`1` in :numref:`lst:commandCodeBlocks`, then ``latexindent.pl`` will allow round parenthesis between optional and mandatory arguments. In the case of the code in :numref:`lst:pstricks1`, ``latexindent.pl`` finds *all* the arguments of ``defFunction``, both before and after ``(u,v)``. The default output from running ``latexindent.pl`` on :numref:`lst:pstricks1` actually leaves it unchanged (see :numref:`lst:pstricks1-default`); note in particular, this is because of ``noAdditionalIndentGlobal`` as discussed on . Upon using the YAML settings in :numref:`lst:noRoundParentheses`, and running the command :: latexindent.pl pstricks1.tex -l noRoundParentheses.yaml we obtain the output given in :numref:`lst:pstricks1-nrp`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/pstricks1-nrp.tex :caption: ``pstricks1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:noRoundParentheses` :name: lst:pstricks1-nrp .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/noRoundParentheses.yaml :caption: ``noRoundParentheses.yaml`` :name: lst:noRoundParentheses Notice the difference between :numref:`lst:pstricks1-default` and :numref:`lst:pstricks1-nrp`; in particular, in :numref:`lst:pstricks1-nrp`, because round parentheses are *not* allowed, ``latexindent.pl`` finds that the ``\defFunction`` command finishes at the first opening round parenthesis. As such, the remaining braced, mandatory, arguments are found to be ``UnNamedGroupingBracesBrackets`` (see :numref:`tab:code-blocks`) which, by default, assume indentation for their body, and hence the tabbed indentation in :numref:`lst:pstricks1-nrp`. Let’s explore this using the YAML given in :numref:`lst:defFunction` and run the command :: latexindent.pl pstricks1.tex -l defFunction.yaml then the output is as in :numref:`lst:pstricks1-indent-rules`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/pstricks1-indent-rules.tex :caption: ``pstricks1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:defFunction` :name: lst:pstricks1-indent-rules .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/defFunction.yaml :caption: ``defFunction.yaml`` :name: lst:defFunction Notice in :numref:`lst:pstricks1-indent-rules` that the *body* of the ``defFunction`` command i.e, the subsequent lines containing arguments after the command name, have received the single space of indentation specified by :numref:`lst:defFunction`. ``stringsAllowedBetweenArguments``: *fields* ``tikz`` users may well specify code such as that given in :numref:`lst:tikz-node1`; processing this code using ``latexindent.pl`` gives the default output in :numref:`lst:tikz-node1-default`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tikz-node1.tex :caption: ``tikz-node1.tex`` :name: lst:tikz-node1 .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tikz-node1-default.tex :caption: ``tikz-node1`` default output :name: lst:tikz-node1-default With reference to :numref:`lst:commandCodeBlocks`, we see that the strings to, node, ++ are all allowed to appear between arguments, as they are each set to :math:`1`; importantly, you are encouraged to add further names to this field as necessary. This means that when ``latexindent.pl`` processes :numref:`lst:tikz-node1`, it consumes: - the optional argument ``[thin]`` - the round-bracketed argument ``(c)`` because ``roundParenthesesAllowed`` is :math:`1` by default - the string ``to`` (specified in ``stringsAllowedBetweenArguments``) - the optional argument ``[in=110,out=-90]`` - the string ``++`` (specified in ``stringsAllowedBetweenArguments``) - the round-bracketed argument ``(0,-0.5cm)`` because ``roundParenthesesAllowed`` is :math:`1` by default - the string ``node`` (specified in ``stringsAllowedBetweenArguments``) - the optional argument ``[below,align=left,scale=0.5]`` We can explore this further, for example using :numref:`lst:draw` and running the command :: latexindent.pl tikz-node1.tex -l draw.yaml we receive the output given in :numref:`lst:tikz-node1-draw`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tikz-node1-draw.tex :caption: ``tikz-node1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:draw` :name: lst:tikz-node1-draw .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/draw.yaml :caption: ``draw.yaml`` :name: lst:draw Notice that each line after the ``\draw`` command (its ‘body’) in :numref:`lst:tikz-node1-draw` has been given the appropriate two-spaces worth of indentation specified in :numref:`lst:draw`. Let’s compare this with the output from using the YAML settings in :numref:`lst:no-to`, and running the command :: latexindent.pl tikz-node1.tex -l no-to.yaml given in :numref:`lst:tikz-node1-no-to`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/tikz-node1-no-to.tex :caption: ``tikz-node1.tex`` using :numref:`lst:no-to` :name: lst:tikz-node1-no-to .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/no-to.yaml :caption: ``no-to.yaml`` :name: lst:no-to In this case, ``latexindent.pl`` sees that: - the ``\draw`` command finishes after the ``(c)`` as (``stringsAllowedBetweenArguments`` has ``to`` set to :math:`0`) - it finds a ``namedGroupingBracesBrackets`` called ``to`` (see :numref:`tab:code-blocks`) *with* argument ``[in=110,out=-90]`` - it finds another ``namedGroupingBracesBrackets`` but this time called ``node`` with argument ``[below,align=left,scale=0.5]`` ``commandNameSpecial``: *fields* There are some special command names that do not fit within the names recognized by ``latexindent.pl``, the first one of which is ``\@ifnextchar[``. From the perspective of ``latexindent.pl``, the whole of the text ``\@ifnextchar[`` is is a command, because it is immediately followed by sets of mandatory arguments. However, without the ``commandNameSpecial`` field, ``latexindent.pl`` would not be able to label it as such, because the ``[`` is, necessarily, not matched by a closing ``]``. For example, consider the sample file in :numref:`lst:ifnextchar`, which has default output in :numref:`lst:ifnextchar-default`. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/ifnextchar.tex :caption: ``ifnextchar.tex`` :name: lst:ifnextchar .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/ifnextchar-default.tex :caption: ``ifnextchar.tex`` default output :name: lst:ifnextchar-default Notice that in :numref:`lst:ifnextchar-default` the ``parbox`` command has been able to indent its body, because ``latexindent.pl`` has successfully found the command ``\@ifnextchar`` first; the pattern-matching of ``latexindent.pl`` starts from *the inner most and works outwards*, discussed in more detail on . For demonstration, we can compare this output with that given in :numref:`lst:ifnextchar-off` in which the settings from :numref:`lst:no-ifnextchar` have dictated that ``\@ifnextchar[`` command should not be searched for specially; as such, the ``parbox`` command has been *unable* to indent its body successfully, because the ``\@ifnextchar[`` command has not been found. .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/ifnextchar-off.tex :caption: ``ifnextchar.tex`` using :numref:`lst:no-ifnextchar` :name: lst:ifnextchar-off .. literalinclude:: demonstrations/no-ifnextchar.yaml :caption: ``no-ifnextchar.yaml`` :name: lst:no-ifnextchar .. raw:: html
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“Log4perl Perl Module.” 2017. Accessed September 24. http://search.cpan.org/~mschilli/Log-Log4perl-1.49/lib/Log/Log4perl.pm. .. raw:: html
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“Text:Tabs Perl Module.” 2017. Accessed July 6. http://search.cpan.org/~muir/Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0523/lib.old/Text/Tabs.pm. .. raw:: html
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Voßkuhle, Michel. 2013. “Remove Trailing White Space.” November 10. https://github.com/cmhughes/latexindent.pl/pull/12. .. raw:: html
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.. [1] Throughout this manual, listings shown with line numbers represent code taken directly from ``defaultSettings.yaml``. .. [2] Previously this only activated if ``alignDoubleBackSlash`` was set to ``0``. .. [3] There is a slight difference in interface for this field when comparing Version 2.2 to Version 3.0; see :numref:`app:differences` for details. .. [4] The command code blocks have quite a few subtleties, described in :numref:`subsec:commands-string-between`. .. [5] You may like to verify this by using the ``-tt`` option and checking ``indent.log``!